After hanging up the phone, Feng Yu'an got on the helicopter to meet her.

The plane will take her to the virgin forest, where there will be 29 outstanding police officers selected from all over the country.

They will take part in the devil training together, and the three who pass the test will be sent abroad together.

In the future long undercover career, the three of them may become each other's partners, support each other, cover each other, until the completion of the final task.

After the helicopter arrived at its destination, Feng Yu'an joined 29 other police officers.

They were all young, all about twenty.

Every young face is full of passion and blood.

They come from all over the world, but they have the same purpose.

They are willing to fight the evil forces to the end, even if they have to pay their lives!

The drillmaster's eyes swept over them, and his voice was loud and loud! Stand at attention

"From today on, each of you should not regard yourself as a new recruit. When you enter the devil's training camp, you are the real soldiers and must accept the most cruel test! Now give you a chance to leave if you don't want to take part in these three months of devil training

The 30 young police officers maintained the most standard military posture, standing upright, and no one was in the line.

"Well, you are all brave. Well, I hope that in the next three months, no matter what difficulties you encounter, you will continue to be brave

"Yes Thirty police officers responded in unison, and their voices rang through the sky.

"Monitor, give each of them a life and death certificate."


The instructor looked at each of the police officers who took over the life and death situation. His face was awe inspiring. "You will be divided into three groups. In the end, only one person in each group will pass all the tests. Are you ready? "


Training started, a few days ago.

But the later the training, the more difficult it will be.

Many of the students have been complaining for less than a week.

However, Feng Yu'an insisted, and she had to go to her father. She could not be eliminated in the training.

No matter how hard or tired, she insisted.

Time goes by very slowly, but time passes quickly.

Three months seems to be a long time, but with the daily high-intensity training, it has gone so far.

Of the original 30 students, only less than 10 insisted.

In addition to Feng Yu'an, there were two other boys who really passed the examination.

After passing the examination, the instructor took the three of them to a wooden house.

When they went in, they found someone waiting for them.

"Three, congratulations on your success. I'm your contact person. My name is Yao. You can call me Yao team Yao Yi's eyes swept over them and finally fixed on Feng Yu'an, "are you the daughter of Feng Jin's chess game?"


"Your father is my colleague. Sure enough, tiger father has no dog." Yao Yi looked at her with an appreciative expression. "We have found a good place to live for you in foreign countries. Each of you should familiarize yourself with your future identity. In a week, I will send you there."


Feng Yu'an took over the materials and read them carefully.

Her new identity abroad is a sophomore. She lives with her mother and stepfather. She is rebellious and often makes trouble.

And her design is that she will accidentally kill her stepfather who wants to touch her, so that she will go on a road of no return , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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