At the same time, Feng Yu'an pulled the car out of their sight and lifted his hand. His forehead was covered with cold sweat.

She was also gambling just now on whether they would doubt themselves.

Fortunately, he escaped.

When undercover this kind of thing, is really too exciting, the stimulation heart may stop suddenly at any time!

She glanced slightly to the bottle under the passenger seat.

There was only half a bottle of wine left in that bottle, and half bottle was poured on her body before she got off the bus.

In order to disguise as a bad girl smoking and drinking, in order not to arouse their suspicion, she really took great pains!

That's why Zuo Xiao can smell the smell of wine on her body!

She didn't drink, she just put wine on her clothes.

However, such a screen can only be used once, and it is easy to arouse their suspicions and suspicions.

Of course, this meeting was just by chance.

And then, she will make more accidents.

Her goal is to attract the attention of Zoe Xiao and interest her.

And this interest is not between men and women.

She wants to find a way to get into the dark night organization, get his trust, and then find strong evidence to give him a blow! In the process of

, she also secretly investigated the real reason for her father's disappearance.

If he's still alive, she'll do everything she can to find him!

Feng Yu'an held the steering wheel in one hand and the check in the other.

Looking down, she glanced at the signature of the dragon and Phoenix dancing in the lower right corner of the check.

Assistant owl!

Wait, one day, she will send him to prison with her own hands!


Due to the delay on the road, when the two of them arrived at the trading place, there was no one there.

The assistant owl looked at the empty port and frowned deeply.

Just at this moment, a rapid bell rang.

Sean took out his cell phone from his pocket, and as soon as he got through, he heard the other party's almost roaring question from the receiver, "Zoe, what the hell do you mean? If you think the price we give you is low, you can not sell it. Why call the police? Several of my men have been taken away by the police! "

Sean's ears were almost deafened by the explosion. He moved his cell phone away from his ear and turned to the man standing next to him. "Boss, fortunately we didn't show up tonight. The other party's people were reported by the police."

"Well." Assistant owl looked at the calm harbor, squinting eyes, "then go back."

Sean looked at him and stopped talking.

Assistant owl glanced at him, eyebrow tip a pick, "how, still have what problem?"

Sean sipped his lips. "Boss, it's us who suspect the police."

"They're just as retarded as ever." Zuo Xiao sneered, arrogant and contemptuous, "if I called the police, I would certainly catch them all. Instead of leaving a couple of crap and giving them a chance to yell and scream here. "

Originally, the business was only two thousand dollars, which was not worth the trip.

But when he went home for vacation, his mother, Mrs. Smith, pestered him to see such a lady every day.

He was so tired that he left Smith estate and came to talk about business himself on the pretext of work.

What he didn't expect was that this small business, which he thought was in his pocket, went so far.

Moreover, he also caused a series of accidents, which were watched by police officers and suspected by the other party.

Sean returns a few words to the other end of the phone. After cutting off the phone, he looks sideways at the man. "Boss, where are we going now?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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