When Zuo Xiao listened to her quarrel in her ear, she suddenly felt that she was big and big. "I don't need the women you gave me, Ms. Nina. Do you know that as a beautiful woman, you can't agree with your choice of daughter-in-law!"

Mrs. Smith's eyes lit up. "So, you mean, do you like other types of girls?"

As long as he does not like boys, then everything is easy to discuss!

"Well." Zuo Xiao lifted the quilt and got out of bed. Seeing that she was still standing in front of the bed, she couldn't help raising her eyebrows. "Ms. Nina, are you still going to stay here and watch me change clothes?

"Stinky boy, you're not as good as your father. What's worth seeing?" Mrs. Smith was about to turn around and leave when she suddenly thought of something. She stopped and said to him, "by the way, your uncle Xia's daughter is also playing in Bordeaux these days. I have an appointment with her this evening and we'll have a dinner together."

Xia Zhenghou has been following Mr. Smith to run the company for him.

The relationship between the two families is very good. Xia mufei, Xia Zhenghou's daughter, grew up with them and loved to stick to him.

Before he could say no, Mrs. Smith interrupted him again. "I bought a ticket for tomorrow and flew to Dubai. If you don't have dinner with me tonight, I'll change my ticket."

This threat is really good and powerful!

From childhood to adulthood, Zuo Xiao was really not afraid of anyone, but he was also convinced of this mother.

Taking a deep breath, he nodded and compromised, "OK, then have a dinner."

Endure a dinner time, he can be completely quiet.

As a businessman, he thought the deal was a good deal.

Mrs. Smith saw that he had agreed and left with great satisfaction.


Dinner is in a high-end restaurant in Bordeaux.

Mrs. Smith and Xia mufei waited for nearly a quarter of an hour. Someone came late.

"I'm sorry, there was a traffic jam on the road." Zuo Xiao left his coat beside him, opened his chair and sat down. He said sorry, but his face didn't show any apology.

It's very impolite to keep two ladies waiting for him for so long.

Mrs. Smith was just about to say something to him. Xia mufei was the first to make a voice and handed him the menu. "It's OK, Damon. Here's the menu. Would you like something else?"

Assistant owl raised an eye to sweep her one eye, pull up the lip corner coolly, "do not need, eat casually good, anyway also not very have appetite."

Xia mufei listened to his words, and her face was not restrained. Then she asked with concern, "Damon, are you in a bad mood?"

Zuo Xiao sneered and glanced at her carelessly, "I'm in such a bad mood that you can't see it?"

When Xia mufei learned that she could have dinner with him tonight, she dressed herself up.

At this time, looking at his beautiful and perfect face, his hands were twisted together, even his eyes were red, "Damon, I'm sorry, i..."

After all, she is a little girl, and she doesn't know how to hide her emotions.

This pair of tears will fall at any time, I really feel pity.

However, the more she was like this, the more disgusted Zuo Xiao became, "why, I have to put on a crying face after dinner, for fear that I am not enough to turn off my appetite?"

“Damon!” Mrs. Smith finally couldn't look down. She frowned and looked at him coldly. "You have to stop."

Xiao Zuo pulled his lips and said, "Ms. Nina, if you understand the meaning of enough, you won't ignore my feelings and drag me to this boring dinner."

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