He smiles and asks curiously, "is Mr. Zuo sure this beauty will win?"

"It's just a gamble. What's the point if you decide the result before you place a bet?" The assistant owl threw the pad aside, raised his eyelids, cast his cold and indifferent sight to the delicate figure in the cage, "what you bet on is an uncertain result, isn't it?"

Nie Qingyu heard the words and immediately laughed, "Mr. Zuo is really brave. I also bet this beauty! Maybe she is a Chinese, just like me

After a few minutes, all the guests in the room finished their bets.

With the host's command, the trainer loosened the chain in his hand.

After the freedom of action, the leopard opened its mouth at the first time and rushed to the young girl in the cage!

At this time, in order to create a visual effect, the lighting on the stage is turned on.

Leopard's sharp teeth are shining in the light!

Feng Yu'an looks at the leopard that is coming towards him. He doesn't scream or cry. His beautiful young face is pure and elegant, but it has a frightening charm.

All the people opened their eyes and stared at each man and beast in the cage without blinking.

I'm afraid I will miss any wonderful moment!

Even, some people have been wondering whether the little girl will be bitten to death by the leopard!

Unfortunately, the bloody scene they were expecting didn't happen.

At the moment when the leopard pounced on him, Feng Yu'an's figure flashed and he was perfectly able to avoid its attack.

"Beautiful!" In the elegant seat, Nie Qingyu unconsciously called out and sincerely praised, "this girl not only has courage and courage, but also has first-class skills."

The assistant owl didn't answer, and his slender fingers gently buttoned the table.

Dark green eyes squint, eyes firmly locked in the cage girl.

The first three encounters left little valuable mark in his heart.

But this time, a fight between man and beast, the success attracted his attention.

The wind is safe.

He silently read these three words in his heart, and he also had a strong interest in her.

What kind of girl is she? She can repair tires, collect protection fees and block bullets. Now she is so skillful in fighting with wild animals.

"Good! Good fight

He was distracted, and Nie Qingyu next to him cheered again.

Zuo Xiao took back his thoughts and looked up again into the cage on the stage.

I saw Feng Yu'an's hand did not know when a dagger was added, and the leopard's foreleg actually had a long bloodstain.

He was surprised at her skill, really did not expect this young girl to have such explosive power.

Bet her to win, really just a whim, but did not expect, she should give him such a big surprise!

At this moment, there was only one thought in Zuo Xiao's mind.

This woman, he's going to make it!

Of course, his "want" has nothing to do with the love between men and women, but simply appreciation.

In the cage, the contest between man and beast continues.

Obviously, the leopard was completely angered, showed its sharp claws and continued to attack Feng Yu'an.

Feng Yu'an's face did not change, and the dagger in his hand stabbed the leopard.

Soon, the originally majestic leopard was covered with blood and bruised.

The leopard didn't suffer from her fighting like this. She raised her head and gave a long roar. The next second, she jumped at her again.

Feng Yu'an's eyes sank. In the sound of people's exclamation, she not only did not dodge, but also met the leopard with a short body!

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