All the people present were waiting for Feng Yu'an to make a fool of himself.

Who are the thousand nights?

He killed a gang by himself.

Is it she who can shake such a powerful existence as myth?

Even Sean, who was standing beside him, couldn't look down. He whispered to Feng Yu'an, "you're not the opponent of a thousand nights. If you don't feel too long for your life, you'd better not compete with him."

Feng Yu'an slightly hooked the corner of his mouth, and his beautiful face was full of confidence. "How do you know I won't win if you don't try it?"

Thousand night is completely did not put her in the eye, listen to her rave, scornfully sneer, return a way, "in this case, then let the horse come."

Feng Yu an's eyes turned and said with a smile, "it's too boring to fight simply. Why don't we play something else?"

It doesn't matter what kind of tricks she wants to play. Anyway, the results are the same.

"How do you want to play?"

Feng Yu'an pointed to the long conference table in front of them. "The rules are very simple. The two of us stand on the table at the same time. In any way, as long as who falls off the table first, even if the one loses, how about it?"

Thousand night along the direction of her finger looked at the table, confidently pulled up the corner of the lip, "I have no problem."

Feng Yu'an said with a smile, "please let us pass by a little, and we'll start a competition."

Thousand night saw Zuo Xiao one eye, see him nod to agree to contest, he this just one hand a prop table corner, jump on the table easily.

After Feng Yu'an also stood on the table, he broke off his knuckles and asked casually, "is it OK to start?"

"Yes, the game has begun!" Before Feng Yu'an's voice fell, he suddenly turned around and suddenly waved his fist into a fist.

Even if she wants to preempt, Qianye will never give her a chance to win.

I saw him in the side of the Dodge at the same time, agile boxing, professional movements, showing a bit of fierce force.

However, the assistant owl who watched the battle nearby knew that Qianye didn't do his best.

When dealing with a girl like Feng Yu'an, if he still tries his best to win, he won't win.

Feng Yu'an really didn't expect that he underestimated the enemy. As soon as he made a move, she already felt an invisible pressure.

But in this case, she can only use wisdom, not brute force.

Thinking of this, she quickly raised her legs to meet her fist.

A cold light came out from the bottom of his eyes. He didn't retreat but went forward. When his wrist turned, his fist changed direction and attacked her head!

Feng Yu'an quickly leans back and narrowly avoids his attack.

Who knows this is only his empty move, his real target is her footwall.

When he kicked over, she had no time to react, and her calf was firmly spread out.

He was so powerful that she could hardly stand still. She staggered back several steps and was about to fall off the table!

However, at this time, Feng Yu'an raised his right hand and held a dagger in her hand.

The blade of the dagger is extremely sharp. Under the light, it is shining with cold light.

As soon as she turned her wrist, the dagger was like a cold arrow from the string, and it was fired in his direction!

However, the thousand night is about to avoid, but suddenly found that the dagger is not accurate, not aimed at him, but shot at his back.

When the light from the corner of his eyes swept to the assistant owl standing behind him, his face changed, and he flashed away without hesitation toward the direction of the dagger shooting out.

A second before the dagger stabbed Zuo Xiao, he kicked the handle of the dagger with a flying foot! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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