Feng Yu'an quickly reached out to pick it up. After catching the cold barrel, she couldn't help being stunned.

Looking down, I saw that in his hand was a Beretta 92F pistol with cold metallic luster.

She opened a pair of eyes, a blink does not blink to stare at the gun in her hand, enough to see more than ten seconds!

"Mr. Zuo, this gun..."

"I'll use it later." Zuo Xiao drove the car without straying his eyes. After thinking about it, he told him anxiously, "after aiming at the target, just pull the trigger directly. It's very simple."

Feng Yu an nodded, "are we going to save Sean?"

Zoe Xiao called Percy and asked to exchange her for Sean, probably repeating it to her.

However, he also told her that he would not give her to Percy, but she had to get the field to save Sean.

Percy only allowed him to take Feng Yu'an to the scene. In case of emergency, Zuo Xiao had to tell her what to pay attention to in advance.

Maybe Percy's target tonight is not just Feng Yu'an, but maybe she is just trying to make Zoe Xiao take it lightly.

"Well." Zuo Xiao pursed her lips, pondered for a few seconds, and then said to her, "in order to be able to come back alive, I hope that when you shoot, don't hesitate, or you will become the target of others."

He didn't look at her when he said this.

Feng Yu'an raised his eyes and looked at his tight side face and nodded forcefully, "I know."

"When it's time, look at my eyes, don't be impulsive."


The car passed the business street and turned into an alley.

After driving a long way ahead, the alley became narrower and narrower. Zuo Xiao had to stop and get off. "It seems that I have to walk a long way."

After getting off the bus, Feng Yu'an followed him for another three or four hundred meters, turned into another lane, and finally stopped at the gate of a small yard.

The iron gate of the yard is rusty and has been idle for a long time.

Zuo Xiao turned his face and looked around. He raised his hand and pushed it gently. The iron door opened with a squeak.

They walked into the yard and saw Percy standing there.

He was tall and strong. He didn't look like a man in his fifties, but a man in his thirties and forties.

He was full of banditry, his eyes coldly staring at Feng Yu'an standing beside the assistant owl, and his murderous spirit suddenly appeared.

Feng Yu'an looks up at his sight, frowns and looks at the two bodyguards standing behind him.

I saw the two men with guns in their hands. After hearing the movement of the door, the muzzle of the gun was aimed at the visitor at the first time.

The assistant owl glanced at Percy without changing his face. The corners of his lips moved. "Where are the people?"

Percy raised his hand to the two men behind him. After the two men took the guns back, he said slowly, "leave this woman behind and I'll send Shawn back."

"Percy, I'm a man of limited patience and bad temper." Assistant owl Mou bottom passes a layer of chill, coldly raises lip Cape, "I ask you again, person?"

Percy, however, was an elder who had been on the road for nearly 30 years, but Zuo Xiao had no respect for him, and even spoke ill of him in front of his men.

Percy's eyes flashed, and he tugged at the corners of his mouth forcefully. "I won't break my promise now that I've promised you. Sean is in the room behind me, leaving the life of the woman next to you, and you can take him away at any time

Zuo Xiao ignored his words directly and lifted his chin toward the tightly closed door of the house. He said, "open the door."

Unexpectedly, the two bodyguards not only did not open the door, but also held the gun, and the two black barrels pointed directly at them!

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