"That Mr. Zuo," she coughed gently and replied in a calm tone, "I accidentally touched your face, and you made me sick. If I take a bath for you again and see all of you, I'm afraid I'll soak the pig cage!"

She said so much that Zuo Xiao couldn't help laughing. After a careful consideration, she seemed to have made a lot of sense.

Dark green eyes staring at her for a moment, he felt let her go, "OK, you go back to rest."

He is in a bad mood, just make fun of her, will not really let her help bath.

What's more, her mood has been unstable since the previous two accidental homicides.

She also shot and killed several Percy's men tonight. He didn't want her to leave any psychological shadow.

When Feng Yu settled down, he felt relieved and left without hesitation.

Seeing that her emotional state was still stable, the arc of the assistant owl's lips gradually narrowed.

Instead of entering the bathroom, he took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of the thousand nights.

When the call was picked up, he immediately opened the door and asked, "what's the matter with Sean?"

"Boss, Sean suffered from skin injuries. The doctor said he would stay in bed for 10 days and a half months to ensure his recovery."

Zuo Xiao's tight jaw line just loosened a little bit, and the dark green eye bottom condensed a bit of gloom, "thousand nights, now I'm sending you an S-level task."

On the other end of the phone, Qianye immediately concentrated, "boss, what task?"

"In three days, I want to hear the sad news of Percy's unexpected death," he said in a deep voice

If anyone dares to move him, he will directly destroy the ancestral graves of Percy's family!

Although Qianye said that Sean was not seriously injured, he was still angry when he was lying on the hospital bed with bruises all over his body.

Percy even wanted to take this opportunity to kill Zoe owl. It was a suicide!

For a long time, Zuo Xiao and he were both well water and river water, and each of them swept the snow in front of their door.

But it doesn't mean they are afraid of him!

This time, he actually broke the rules. Don't blame them for their ruthlessness!

Thinking of this, the thousand night immediately said, "don't worry, I will not disgrace my life!"

Hang up the phone, Zuo Xiao threw the mobile phone to the bedside table and opened the closet to find pajamas.

His eyes could not help stopping when he caught a glimpse of the white T-shirt left in the corner.

The T-shirt was bought by Feng Yu'an when she lived at his house last time.

Later, when carrying her luggage, he brought it back with him.

He had never worn a second T-shirt for less than $10 in his life.

Because she wore such a cheap T-shirt for the first time, it was considered as a souvenir.

Grabbing the pajamas next to him, Zuo Xiao closes the cupboard door and turns into the bathroom.

It's really killing to be single and undress, plus he's left-handed.

The right hand was not as easy to use as the left hand. It took a lot of effort to take off the clothes.

Throwing the dirty clothes, Zuo Xiao stood under the shower willfully, regardless of what the doctor said that the wound could not be stained with water.

After washing away the blood, he felt like he was alive.

However, the white bath towel stained with a lot of blood.

The wound, very disobedient to split open.

Zuo Xiao didn't take care of it. After the blood stopped, he changed his pajamas and walked out of the bathroom.

Because of the injury to his back shoulder, he had to sleep on his stomach.

This posture is not very comfortable, he tossed and turned for a long time, before gradually brewing sleepiness.

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