After breakfast, Feng Yuan went to the supermarket to buy chicken.

But instead of letting the chef follow, she drove alone.

She and the cook are not familiar, two people who do not know each other to go shopping must be particularly embarrassing, one person is at ease.

After buying the chicken, she bought another batch of seasonings, then checked out and left.

However, on the way to the parking lot, Feng Yu'an obviously felt that someone was following him.

With her shopping bag in her hand, she stopped walking as she passed a car. Her eyes flashed out of the rearview mirror and saw two big men following her.

Who are these two?

Why follow her?

Robbery? Or another purpose?

Apricot eyes a squint, Feng Yu an's mind a few questions, but she did not want to cause trouble, casual do not know what, continue to move forward.

She's going faster and faster, turning around in the parking lot.

The two men immediately quickened their pace to catch up with her.

However, there were a lot of cars in the parking lot. She went around to the end and took advantage of the two people's inattention, and suddenly hid in the back of a car.

The two people who were still tracking her suddenly disappeared and ran to her position immediately.

One of them looked around a few times, "strange, how can the person be missing?"

"It must have been found that we were following, so we hid!" While another person was talking, he took out a pistol from the back of his waist and said, "look for it! She must still be around here! "

Seeing the gun in their hands, Feng Yu was relieved and quietly put the shopping bag on the ground.

She didn't carry a weapon with her. If she went out so rashly, she would be a target.

But now she didn't know who they were, who sent them, and what hatred did she have with herself?

In this underground garage, people may come in at any time. They are dangerous elements with guns in their hands. They can't hurt innocent people.

When the two men were searching for her figure, Feng Yu'an was on her waist and moving slowly.

I can't help but catch a glimpse of the flashing warning lights on a nearby car. It's obvious that the car is equipped with alarm and anti-theft device.

Feng Yu'an sipped the corners of his mouth and thought for a few seconds, and then he felt worried.

She stealthily takes a can of seasoning from her shopping bag and hurls it at the car with an alarm.


With the huge impact, the car's alarm sounded immediately, and the huge sound echoed throughout the parking lot.

When the two men heard the alarm, they pointed their guns at the car, but when they got to the car, they didn't find any figures.

What's going on here? Listen to the alarm? Try to make it quiet

Another man narrowed his eyes grimly. "That woman must have made the alarm on purpose!"

"But she is too cunning. What shall we do now?" As they were talking, they suddenly heard the noise of footsteps coming from the entrance of the parking lot.

Apparently, the sound of the siren alerted the security staff here.

"The boss said that she was the murderer of his nephew. If you kill her, you can get 50 million dollars! I finally met her here today, but I didn't expect to let her run away! " One of them was holding a gun and didn't want to give up.

"The security is here, we'll be found if we don't leave," another man reminded. "Forget it. We don't have a chance this time. We'll wait for the next time."

"Well, let's go!"

They didn't notice that Feng Yu'an was hiding in the back of the car next to them! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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