Now, smelling the smell of incense, she felt dizzy. The dizziness of heavy head and light feet made her feel very tired.

Feng Yu'an yawned and went to the back of the screen to make the quilt ready for a nap.

Not long after she closed her eyes, she felt vaguely that the door had been opened.

However, Feng Yu'an didn't care too much. He thought it was the assistant owl. He closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

The sound of footsteps came closer and closer, closer and closer, and finally across the screen, stopped at her side.

Even with her eyes closed, Feng Yu'an could still feel the sense of danger coming from the pavement.

She opened her eyes subconsciously. When she saw the strange man standing in front of her, she immediately woke up.

Suddenly, she sat up straight from tatami, staring at the man in front of her, and asked in a cold voice, "who are you?"

The man didn't answer her question. His eyes fell on her beautiful face, and a flickering light flashed through his eyes.

He replied something, but Feng Yu'an didn't understand, but he could understand that he spoke Japanese.

How could a Japanese enter her room?

Before she could figure out why, the Japanese reached for her face.

Feng Yu'an's face suddenly became cold. He lifted his hand and knocked it off. "What do you want to do?"

The Japanese said a few more words, and she finally understood three words from his words -- flower girl!

Obviously, this guy is trying to do something dirty to her.

Feng Yu'an immediately got up from tatami, but she didn't know whether she got up too quickly or didn't wake up. When she stood up, she felt dizzy, and her body seemed to be unstable.

She shook her head and held on to the screen behind her.

Apricot eyes squint, she bit her teeth, "get out of my room, or don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Although the man didn't understand what she was saying, she was warning himself through her expression.

However, as a beautiful girl like Feng Yu'an, his eyes have been staring at her face. Where can he put her threat in his heart?

Japanese men simply no longer talk to her nonsense, glance at her body wearing a thin sweater, eyeground shows the light of lust.

The next second, he rushed straight up and opened his mouth to kiss her face.

Feng Yu'an raised his right leg and spared no effort to sweep towards his front door.

Her body seemed to be out of control, and her kicking legs were not as powerful as expected.

Even though he hit the man, his lethality was only half of the normal.

Strange, why does she feel like she can't make strength?

The head is also dizzy, how to return a responsibility unexpectedly?

She wanted to know why her body was so abnormal, but she couldn't think of anything!

She didn't eat much for lunch and there was no sign of diarrhea.

So, what's wrong with her?

Are you sick?

She stood there thinking, but could not understand.

The man was kicked back and forth several steps. After he had stabilized himself, he rubbed the position of his heart, and his eyes became fierce.

"Eight ducks and deer!"

He swore low and rushed at her again.

This Japanese seems to be a samurai. Just now, he was unprepared, so he was kicked by her.

At the moment, being kicked by her, he also immediately cold a face.

He took a step forward and grabbed Feng Yu'an's arm. With a strong pull, Feng Yu'an's slender body was pulled straight into her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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