Zuo Xiao walked back and forth around her bunk, listening to her quiet and peaceful breathing, but her mood was inexplicably agitated.

Just now I almost got married!

It's just a little short!

This idea is like a crazy spread of weeds, and soon completely occupied his thoughts, and his deepest desire to completely enlarge!

Since you want to kiss, there is no need to suppress yourself.

Kiss it!

Just a kiss!

Zou Xiao stood still and looked again at her lips.

The evil thoughts in my mind are getting stronger and stronger!

He stood there, struggling and hesitating for several seconds, and finally made up his mind again.

Anyway, at present she is his girlfriend. Even if it is a holiday, he should take care of her and kiss her now.

In this way, Zuo Xiao bent down again and approached her face.

Probably because of his guilty conscience, the closer he was to her, the stronger his heart beat.

Poop! Poop! Poop!

One sound is faster than another!

Zuo Xiao stares at the lip near at hand, deeply breathes a breath, bows his head to kiss.

However, at this time, people on tatami opened their eyes without warning.

Zuo Xiao's dark green eyes were scared out of her eyes!

The expression on his handsome face looked like a ghost. He raised his head abruptly and almost tripped over himself because of his quick action.

He looked a little embarrassed, especially when he saw that Feng Yu'an was looking at him, he immediately took his eyes off uneasily.

After waiting for a moment, he could not help but look at her again.

Seeing that her eyes were still a little confused, he took a deep breath and asked in as cool a voice as possible, "how, is your body better?"

"What's wrong with me?" Feng Yu'an wanted to do it, but he felt that his arm was weak and he couldn't lift up a little strength.

The assistant owl saw that she did not mention that he wanted to kiss her secretly. He felt a sigh of relief in his heart.

Then, pretending to be calm, he asked, "don't you remember?"

Feng Yu'an's head is still a little confused, reaching out to press the part of the temple, at the same time trying to recall.

Her memory only left the dining room and went back to her room to change clothes, and then it was a blank.

Feng Yu'an looks over him and looks at the screen behind him. He frowns suspiciously, "how did you change this screen?"

Zuo Xiao looked sideways along her line of sight. When she saw the scene of double dragons playing with pearls on the screen, she noticed that the screen was really different from that in the previous room.

He stares at her for a few seconds and says in a deep voice, "we changed rooms, don't you remember?"

"Change rooms?" Feng Yu'an tried hard to remember, but the memory still came to an abrupt end after he changed a sweater. She twisted her good-looking eyebrows and asked again, "well done, why change rooms?"

He light return way, "this before that room daylighting is not very good, so temporarily changed a room."

She frowned more tightly. "But why don't I feel at all?"

Zuo Xiao found that her memory seemed to be broken from the moment she was addicted to cigarettes, so she planned to hide the fact that the Japanese had broken into the room.

So, he shrugged and casually replied, "maybe you're too tired. When I go back, you're already asleep, and I'll take you directly."

Feng Yu'an had no impression of what happened afterwards. Although he had doubts in his heart, he did not doubt what he said.

After sitting on the tatami for half a minute, she felt her strength was recovering.

Looking out, she could not help asking, "how long did I sleep?"

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