What's more, the scene in front of me is so explosive!

Feng Yu'an listened to the whistling and teasing in his ear.

However, her mouth was blocked, there was no way to make a sound, so she could only stare at him with her eyes.

Her expression fell in Zuo Xiao's eyes, more lovely and angry, he did not want to let her go.

See her deliberately shut her mouth, not let him in.

Assistant owl against her lips, low voice, magnetic voice with a bit of seduction, "focus on, so many people look at it."

Feng Yu'an really wants to smoke him. She is not an actress. Why should she pay attention to the melon eating masses?

But when she lifted her eyes, before she could strengthen the killing power of her eyes, Zuo Xiao had already closed her eyes slightly and continued to kiss her.

At the moment, his profile is close at hand, and his extremely focused expression makes him look more handsome and charming than usual.

Long dense eyelashes sometimes accidentally brush her cheek, that kind of crisp itching touch, let her heart all follow trembling.

The air in his lungs became thin and his breathing rhythm became disordered.

She opened her mouth to breathe more air.

However, she took the opportunity to invade her territory more deeply.

His hands around her waist gradually tightened, and their bodies were close together. The heat of their bodies seemed to penetrate their clothes and blend together.

It was a matter of minutes after the assistant owl let go of Feng Yu'an, and the melon eaters around him clapped their hands at the same time.

The assistant owl looked down at Feng Yu'an, with a look of pride and arrogance, "how, is my technology improved a lot?"

It's not just a lot of progress!

It's like God's help, OK?

Feng Yu'an on his eyes, see the bottom of his eyes show off, she must sing against him, "do you? I don't feel it! "

Originally, he wanted to stimulate him, but unexpectedly, Zuo Xiao didn't hear the praise he wanted to hear. He raised his hand and pressed her shoulder again, "in that case, why don't we try again?"

Feng Yu'an looked at the noisy crowd around him and shook his head decisively, "don't kiss you!"

She had lost her face once and didn't want to lose it again.

Just now, the man was kissing too suddenly. Now some people come to their senses and take out their mobile phones.

"Handsome boy, kiss quickly!"

"Hurry up, I'm on the air!"

"Yes, come on! What are you hesitating about? "

In recent years, there have been many Chinese tourists in Japan. Seeing that they all have Chinese faces, one or two of them yelled at them in Chinese.

Feng Yu Ansheng was afraid that the assistant owl would really mess up. He was too busy to say, "Zuo Xiao, don't kiss again!"

The assistant owl looked at her with those deep eyes, and his mouth showed a not pure and good smile arc, "if I kiss it, what will happen?"

"Do you really want these people to post our photos online? It's disgraceful, OK? " Feng Yu'an really can't stand this guy. After thinking about it, he said, "people's relatives start by closing the door. Can you stop being so unrestrained?"

After hearing his words, Zuo Xiao narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment, then nodded his head slowly and said, "you are quite reasonable. Let's close the door and come back next time."

Wind and Yu'an

However, her ears were filled with the sounds of people around her, which made her unable to think deeply.

Feng Yu'an looked at Shangzuo Xiao's eyes and swept his face around. Gu said other things, "Zuo Xiao, I find you look pretty good, a little handsome."

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