At this point, the corridor in front of them diverged into two roads, one leading to the emergency operating room and the other to the inpatient department.

The terrible music is still playing in my ear. Even the door of the doctor's office nearby is windless, and it's banging all the time.

Zuo Xiao's face turned pale, and the string in his head was not strained.

Now he just wanted to leave the ghost place quickly, so before Feng Yu'an spoke, he took her hand and strode toward the inpatient department which looked a little brighter.

Just a few steps away, he saw a dark shadow lying on the floor of the corridor.

As he passed by, Zuo Xiao was just about to go around. However, the dark figure suddenly moved, and his bloody hand seized his leg.

Zuo Xiao lost control on the spot. When he felt the cold hand touching his leg, he almost instinctively kicked it. The shadow on the ground said "ah" and raised his face.

Although the light was dim, he could still see the shadow's face.

It was a bleeding face with seven orifices. The face was pale, and the bright red tongue was drawn out.

At the moment of seeing his face, Zuo Xiao could no longer keep calm. He called out regardless of the image, and instinctively raised his foot to kick the ghost again.

The ghost screamed again, then said a long string of Japan.

Soon a door nearby suddenly opened and a headless doctor came out.

His white coat was covered with blood and his head was in one hand.

Zuo Xiao wanted to yell and turn around to leave. She wanted to hold Feng Yu'an in her arms.

But the last vestige of reason in his mind kept him from doing anything.

He bit his teeth and kicked him before the doctor came near.

The doctor didn't expect that the man would dare to attack him and was kicked out of the hospital for a long time.

The real head, hidden under the collar, was peeping with pain.

The fake head he had held in his hand rolled like a ball to the foot of Zoe Xiao.

The fake head was so lifelike that when Zuo Xiao looked down at his feet, his eyes were staring at him.

He just felt that every pore of his body was standing up. He could no longer calm down. He pulled Feng Yu'an around and ran back.

Three minutes later, they left the haunted house completely under the guidance of the entrance staff.

After going out, looking at the bright sunshine and breathing the fresh air, there are still some terrible pictures in Zuo Xiao's mind.

His stomach churned more violently, and his eyes swept. When he saw the garbage can not far away, he walked over quickly and vomited with his head bowed.

Feng Yu'an stood next to him, watching him spit out his stomach acid and overnight meal, shaking his head in silence.

"Mr. Zuo, you are so afraid of ghosts, why do you want to enter the ghost house?"

Zuo Xiao felt that her words were just like hitting his face and opening his mouth. He was about to refute, but his stomach was uncomfortable again, "ouch..."

After three or four minutes of vomiting, he finally stopped vomiting.

The assistant owl slowly straightened up his upper body. The whole person was as weak as a man with pale face and weak limbs.

Feng Yu'an, seeing that he took every step, seemed to have signs of falling. He couldn't help but go up and hold him, "how are you? Shall we go to the hospital? "


Since then, he has had a strong shadow on the hospital. It is estimated that he will not be able to walk out in three or five years.

However, Zuo Xiao is a man who loves face. The more he is at this time, the more he refuses to admit the fact that he is afraid of ghosts. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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