Finally, it's time to go back!

Sitting in the first class cabin, Feng Yu'an looks at the blue sky and feels relieved!

It's really killing to be alone with him. Apart from other things, it's just looking at his face. Zuo Xiao, a man, has too much capital to fascinate women.

If it goes on like this, she won't fall.

Fortunately, there is no need to pretend to be lovers with him, otherwise she is afraid that she will not be able to control her heart.

Thinking of this, she looked slightly at the man sitting beside her.

He reclined on the back of his chair, a bit lazy and relaxed, and was closing his eyes.

However, she just stare at him for less than two seconds, he seems to feel the general, slowly opened his eyes.

Four eyes relative, Feng Yu'an has no reason to feel guilty.

She immediately turned her face and looked out of the window again, pretending to keep looking at the blue sky and the white clouds as if nothing had happened.

At this time, the assistant owl suddenly approached her, deliberately blowing to her ear, "An'an, if you want to see me, I can look at it in a big way, and I won't charge you."

Feng Yu an tried to defend himself, but the ear tip was honest and red, "you think too much, I didn't see you!"

Zuo Xiao liked to see her blushing with shyness, which was in sharp contrast to the solemn expression on her face.

He hooked his lips and leaned back to the back of his chair to keep his eyes closed, but the corners of his lips kept rising slightly. It seemed that he was in a good mood.

The plane flew steadily towards the destination, but Feng Yu'an was particularly solemn.

Because of these days alone, she obviously felt that her feelings for Zoe Xiao had changed a little bit.

Emotional has been deep, but the reason is still constantly warning her.

This man is very dangerous, and she is a police officer, she must keep a distance from him!

If his father's disappearance has something to do with him, then he is her father's enemy!

At that time, let alone together, she may even end his life with her own hands!

So, never let him disturb his heart again!

Feng Yu'an thought, again slightly sideways looking at the man beside him.

He seems to have fallen asleep, Jun's expression on his face is very quiet, and he seems to have no guard against her.

If she gives him a knife at this time, I'm afraid he won't know.

However, as long as the thought that she was lurking around him with a purpose, she would destroy the night and the man, and her heart would be dull and dull.

She put her hand over her left atrium and told herself to be sober!

When they get off the plane, they are just subordinates and there will be no other involvement!

Never be attracted to this man! absolutely!

For more than ten hours on the plane, Feng Yu'an has been tossing and turning, and his mind is full of various problems.

The advice of the police school principal, the devil training in the training camp, the father's loving smile

All kinds of scenes hovered in her mind, stirring her headache.

It was not easy to get off the plane, but she felt deep soreness, so tired that she could hardly hold her eyelids open.

Seeing the tired expression on her face, Zuo Xiao immediately took the luggage from her hand.

Feng Yu'an quickly refused, "I'll push it myself."

Zuo Xiao ignored her, a pair of long legs with a steady pace to the exit, "you take care of yourself."

Feng Yu'an did not argue with him, yawning behind him.

What they didn't notice was that there was a man with a duck cap beside the men's toilet in the airport, staring at the direction they were leaving, and the killing intention suddenly appeared! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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