As the car went on, there were fewer pedestrians on the road.

On the way, as long as Feng Yu'an moves a little, Percy's gun barrel goes in front of her eyebrows, "don't play tricks on me! Or I will send you to see the king of hell at once

He is an old fox. Even if he is carried to his nest by the assistant owl, his personal lethality is not weak.

Feng Yu'an was pointed at by a gun, so he did not dare to act rashly.

But her brain began to run at high speed, hoping to find a way to save herself!

Otherwise, before she could think of a way, the taxi stopped at the door of a dilapidated warehouse.

It looks like this is Percy's nearest nest.

No wonder Zuo Xiao sent people to find him before. Who could have thought that Percy, who was also a man of influence on the road, would hide in such a place?

After the taxi stopped, several men in the warehouse heard the sound of engine stalling and immediately met them.


"Tie this woman up for me!" Percy pointed the barrel of his gun to Feng Yu'an and ordered his men to walk in front.


Feng Yu'an at this time, naturally there is no way to resist, or at any time may be ejected into a horse's nest.

She raised her eyes to Percy. There was no panic in her beautiful apricot eyes. She asked in a deep voice, "Percy, what's the purpose of binding me here?"

Percy sniffed coldly, with a sinister look in her eyes. "You'll soon know."

Soon, the famous hand tied her hands behind her back, and at the same time, she kicked her leg vigorously, "go! Be honest

Under the pushing and shoving of those people, Feng Yuan was pushed into the warehouse.

As soon as she entered, she was choked by the thick dust in the air, and she coughed suddenly.

Did not expect Percy will be forced to such a situation, no wonder he will bear the humiliation to fight back!

After entering, the man gave Feng Yu an a good push.

Feng Yu stumbled and nearly fell to the ground. She could hold her figure and knew that she could not confront them at this time. She could only give in temporarily and act according to circumstances.

So she sat down on the floor in the corner and looked around the warehouse and the surrounding environment.

The warehouse should have been cleaned up by them, and there are almost no sundries except for a few simple pavements.

Percy's men were talking around not far away, each with heavy weapons.

Feng Yu'an is not stupid. Listening to their chat, I can probably guess one or two.

These people have been preparing for today for a long time. Since they brought her here, they did not want to let her leave alive.

As for why they didn't kill her right away, it was because they were putting out a long line to catch big fish!

And that big fish is the assistant owl!

Feng Yu'an's brain is calm as never before. She looks at Percy sitting not far away. Her eyes turn and she continues to play silly with him. "Percy, I have no grudge against you. Even if you want to vent your malice, you should not look for me!"

She wanted to hold him back and buy more time for herself.

"Oh?" Percy is having lunch. A simple lunch is a sandwich, but he is a man who has experienced big waves. Even with such a lunch, he still acts calmly and elegantly.

After swallowing the sandwich in his mouth, he said, "who should I look for if I don't look for you?"

Feng Yu'an's eyes turned again and said without hesitation, "naturally, it's the assistant owl! You know, I'm just a newcomer to the dark night group, just to make a living! If I had known that it was so dangerous to join the dark night, I would have lost my life at any time. I would never have nodded even if I had been given 100 million dollars! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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