He stood in front of Feng Yu'an, took out his pistol from his waist without saying a word, "say! Who sent you? Have you colluded with Percy

"Thousand nights, don't be impulsive!" When Sean saw that he even pointed a gun at Feng Yu'an, he hastened to persuade him, "Miss Feng is also a victim!"

Feng Yu'an is still wearing the same suit that he wore when he went out today.

As she left the warehouse, her coat and trousers were covered with blood.

At this time, a sudden look, some people's confusion!

When Feng Yu'an heard their voice, he slowly lifted his face from his knees.

Her beautiful face was black and white, and her good-looking apricot eyes were red, but her expression seemed much calmer than before.

Looking beyond the barrel of the gun, to thousands of night's angry eyes, she pulled the chapped lip and slowly said, "if you want to shoot, open it."

A thousand night sneer, on the spot to the bullet loaded, "do you think I dare not?"

Sean knows the temper of a thousand nights. If he said to shoot, he could.

He quickly raised his hand and held his gun, "thousand nights! Don't mess about until the matter is clear! "

Qian Yejun's face was still tense. "Sean, it's clear that this woman was kidnapped, but now the boss is lying in the operating room, and she's like nobody else. Isn't it suspicious?"


Sean looked at Feng Yu'an again. To tell you the truth, she didn't look like nobody was in trouble!

In particular, I don't know where to wipe the knee, even the jeans are rubbed and torn, and the bloodstain on the pants, maybe in addition to the eldest's, and her own.

"Miss Feng, you seem to be hurt." He coughed gently. In the eyes of eating people for thousands of nights, he went on to speak bravely and said, "anyway, the boss has me and Qianye guarding here. You should go to the doctor to deal with the wound."

"Thank you. I'm fine." Feng Yu an shook his head and cast his eyes to the direction of the operating room, "I wait for the end of his operation."

"Hum!" A thousand night cold hum, hiss a way, "hypocritical!"

Sean took the opportunity to take his gun away and continued to advise, "the boss is still in the operating room. Let's not fight with each other until the results of the operation come out."

The chill on his face didn't disappear. He pulled up the corner of his mouth again and said, "if there's anything wrong, I won't let you go first! You'd better pray that the boss is OK, or you will be buried with you! "

"What are you talking about! How can you curse the boss like that! Boss, he'll be fine! "

Assistant owl is the core soul of the dark night organization. If he has something to do, the dark night organization will shake three times!

Seeing Feng Yu'an's dull face for a thousand nights, there was fire in his heart, "Feng Yu'an, do you know how many people want him to die, but he has never had an accident! Do you think you can get rid of it when he is so badly injured today? "

Feng Yu'an was stunned. She was very clear that what she said was true.

A man like Zuo Xiao, who is very rational, naturally won't let himself in trouble.

However, today, after he received the call, he went to save her alone, enough to see the importance of himself in his mind.

When she left the police academy, she once swore in front of the principal. But now, she tries hard to recall the contents of the oath, but finds that she can't remember it clearly.

Thousands of nights see her silent, and not aggressive humanitarian, "how, is it said in your heart, so you have nothing to say?"

Feng Yu'an on his cold and angry eyes, "these are really I implicated Mr. Zuo injured, I have nothing to say."


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