However, Feng Yu'an didn't think of it in any case. Before she could further investigate the matter, a dispatch order was sent to her.

According to the dispatch order, she has not adapted to the life of the police station and needs to go to the grass-roots level to have a good exercise.

Therefore, after research, it was decided that she should be transferred from the serious cases group to the anti pornography and anti illegal activities group next door.

She was so serious in tracking down the ghost for the police station, but she got such a disappointing result!

How can it not be chilling?

Feng Yu'an didn't say much. He just packed up his things and left the heavy case group in silence.

Unfortunately, the work of the anti pornography and anti illegal work group is not what she likes.

In addition to the tedious workload every day, she is often excluded by other team members.

Every step of her life is very difficult, and even a lot of times she wants to give up.

However, think of three years ago, because of his father's disappearance and went undercover.

If she gives up halfway, her efforts and sacrifices over the years, as well as her pains and setbacks, will be in vain!

During this period, the assistant owl would appear from time to time, sneering at her and making vicious remarks to her.

But later, I don't know what went wrong. The man started chasing her in turn!

Although Feng Yu'an refused all the time, he simply found an excuse to move into her house and squeeze the one hundred square meter apartment with her.

When they had been together day and night for three years, Feng Yu'an was not totally without feelings.

So, with such a half hearted attitude, the two of them lived under the same roof in such a nondescript relationship.

She deliberately enslaved him and deliberately made him difficult, but he didn't care at all.

Feng Yu'an didn't break him in the end, so he could only keep one eye open and one eye closed.

However, in the dead of night, she often falls into deeper self doubt.

Between them, after experiencing betrayal and betrayal, can we really start over?

That night, Feng Yuan worked overtime and didn't leave the police station until very late.

At this time point, even taking a taxi is a little difficult.

Feng Yu'an decided to take two traffic lights to take the subway home.

However, after a short walk, she could not help but feel that someone was following her.

Corner of the eye Yu Guangwei swept behind, did not see any suspicious person.

Feng Yu'an hesitated for half a second and then pretended to walk on as if nothing had happened.

However, as soon as she took a step, the footsteps behind her rang again.

Obviously, the other party is aiming at her.

With her eyes turned, she thought for a few seconds, then made a decision, turned and walked to the most remote Lane on the corner.

After entering the alley, Feng Yu'an finally stopped and turned slowly, "come out."

The alley was dark and there was no one.

When Feng Yu'an doubted whether he really had the illusion, a tall and straight figure came into the alley.

It was not until he approached that Feng Yu'an could see his face clearly, "Sean?"

"Feng Yu'an, you traitor Sean stares at her face coldly and wants to tear her to pieces immediately.

At the thought of the death of a thousand nights, he was even more eager to kill the vicious woman in front of him, "tonight is your death date!"

Feng Yu'an on his line of sight, slightly pulled the corner of his mouth, "you said is not wrong, I really deserve to die."

Sean didn't expect that she would react like this. After half a second, she sneered and pulled out the pistol directly from her waist. "I'm not the boss. Your pitiful trick is useless to me! You die , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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