Lu Shiyan nodded, and her sexy lip curled up a slight radian, if nothing like it. "Consciousness is very high."

"Of course." Jiang Lai glanced at the milk in his hand, and his eyes turned nimbly.

She grabbed the glass, took a sip of milk, and deliberately put the foam to her mouth.

Then she got up and approached the man and gave him a big kiss on the lip.

White milk foam also followed rub in the man's lips, a small piece of white flowers, lining this beautiful face some funny.

Jiang Lai can't help but feel funny and proud of his prank.

Lu Shiyan raised his hand, wiped the corner of her mouth with his finger and put it into his mouth to lick it.

Thin lips gently open, low magnetic voice around the teeth out, "I made the milk, it seems you like it?"

Slightly dumb voice line with a faint smile, it seems that also contaminated with the sweet milk, a bit intoxicated hook people.

Jiang Lai on his dark eyes, Yang Yang chin, deliberately critical of him, "so it is, no wonder I don't think the taste is ordinary sweet!"

Lu Shiyan's deep eyes narrowed, with a little smile under his eyes, "is it? How do I think the sweetness is just right? "

"That only means you don't have a good taste."

"Oh?" Man eye tail a pick, eyes lock her moist pink lips.

She had half a circle of foam on her lips.

"I'll try it again."

The big hand clasps her wrist, the man slightly tugs, pulls her into the bosom.

Bow down and kiss.

Even, he deliberately swept the milk foam around her mouth.

His action, intimate and frivolous, was licked by him the skin is like have electric current to jump over, excite Jiang Lai's heart beat suddenly fast up.

Lu Shiyan pinched her waist with one hand and her chin with the other, deepening his movements.

Jiang Lai is not determined to be seduced, there is only one idea in his heart.

His skill seems to be getting to the top!

His deep eyes fixed on her, Jiang Lai looked into his dark pupil, only feel that his eyes color flow between, can intoxicate the soul.

In his mouth, full of his exclusive breath, clear and pleasant smell.

This man seems to have a kind of inherent attraction, even if just a kiss, can also let people indulge in it, can not extricate themselves for a long time.

If Yuanbao used to be the clearest spring in the mountain stream, now Lu Shiyan is a mellow and fragrant wine.

The former can relieve people's hunger and thirst, and the latter can fascinate people.

Soon, however, men's hands were not very honest.

His eyes darkened as he rubbed his hot palms around her waist.

Jiang Lai felt that he looked at himself as if he were looking at delicious food on the plate. He was in danger of being swallowed by him at any time.

Long eyelashes trembled, just when she was ready to push him, the man took back his hands and let her go.

Jiang Lai's face was red, and he gasped and asked, "boss, are you satisfied with this performance?"

The man stood up from the seat, one hand into the trousers pocket, glanced at her, "careless."

Jiang Lai looked at his beautiful and elegant side face, blinking big eyes, full of expectations, "that should be considered qualified?"

"If it's not enough, it's qualified?" The man gently tut a voice, even the corner of the eye that tear mole seems to take a joke, "you can't be too low on your own requirements?"

"If you're not satisfied, I'll kiss you again?" As Jiang Lai said, he began to purr his mouth.

Deep do not see the bottom of the eyes, what is in the surge, but soon was suppressed by men. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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