"That..." Jiang Lai came back to God, uneasily don't open his face, moved his eyes from his body, and hesitated to open his mouth, "I have something to ask you."

"Say it." Lu Shiyan glanced at her without changing her face, and his hands kept moving.

Jiang Lai pursed her mouth and said, "well, I heard that song Yiyi and he Yuqian were sentenced to prison? Four years in prison? "

Hearing this, Lu Shiyan lifted his thin lips and said casually, "you want to express your thanks to me, but I don't accept hot pot."

Jiang Lai

It seems that the abnormal hot pot he ate last time has left a shadow in his heart.

But seeing that he misunderstood her, she coughed and said, "No. So what I'd like to ask, can we withdraw the lawsuit now? "

The man raised his eyebrows and repeated the last two words, "withdraw the lawsuit?"

Jiang Lai was lazy to manage song Yiyi and their life and death, but the punishment of four years in prison is really too heavy for the girls who are about to leave the campus.

They are labeled as having been in prison, and they will never be able to clean this stain all their lives!

"Anyway, they have been punished in prison these days. We don't have to kill them all again?"

Lu Shiyan threw the towel on the sofa and walked to her in front of her with a smile on her lips

"Of course not!" Jiang Lai looked at the handsome Yan close at hand, Yu Guang glanced at his exquisite clavicle, sexy chest, careful dirty, and immediately jumped up uncontrollably, saying incoherently, "I mean, they deserve it! They do it for themselves! However, we should teach a few lessons. The number of cells in the prison is limited, so why not leave the bunks to those who are more worthy of it? "

Thin lips light pursed, Lu Shiyan did not immediately answer, and approached her one step.

The man's precious and beautiful face is magnified in vain in front of his eyes, and Jiang Lai can't help but retreat.

Small eyes nervously looked around, occasionally sweeping to his upper body.

Lu Shiyan looked at her small appearance of being a thief but not a thief, and his eyes were filled with smiles.

He deliberately tried to tease her and took another step forward.

During the movement, his long leg accidentally rubbed against her leg.

Even through a layer of cloth, she can still feel the cool temperature of men's skin.

Jiang Lai can't help but startled, ear tip a hot, hastily back.

He hooked his lips and went on.

Jiang Lai did not know what he wanted to do, so he could only continue to step back.

He goes in, she retreats.

He goes in, she retreats.

The two entered infinite loop mode.

Jiang Lai retreated too quickly, and suddenly left leg suddenly knocked on the corner of the tea table behind him.

Caught off guard, she didn't stand firm and tripped over her right foot.

One falters, she loses her center of gravity, and the whole person falls to the side without warning.

It's too late. It's fast then!

The moment her body loses balance, her hands instinctively grab at the man.

What a coincidence, a man around the waist of a towel.

Her fall seemed to slow down.

However, because the bath towel could not bear her weight, "Hula" suddenly slipped from the man's waist.

It was followed by a dull bang.

Jiang Lai inevitably fell to the ground, directly lying at the feet of men.

"Oh! What a pain

Lifting her eyes, she caught a glimpse of the towel in her hand. She was silly on the spot.


She seems to have done something extraordinary

Jiang Lai swallowed his saliva and raised his head with a guilty heart and looked up at the tall man standing in front of him from the perspective of looking up.

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