What can be tolerated!

Jiang Lai touched his hot and painful lips and became angry, "Lu Shiyan, do you understand what is pity and cherishing jade?"

Looking at her angry little expression, Lu Shiyan suddenly felt a little funny.

The left hand empty clenched into a fist, against the lip gently cough, "you usually do chest broken stone this high-risk action, do not frown, let me connect you with Xiangyu, don't think it's too hard for you?"


What does he mean by that?

Do you think she's rude and tough?

Please make sure he hired bodyguards, not models!!!

See her Mou son want to spurt fire, Lu Shiyan eye tail a Yang, "angry, huh?"


Know what you're saying!

Jiang Lai turned his face to one side and puffed his cheek with anger, and didn't want to pay attention to him.

The man leaned over to her and spread out his hands. In a very generous tone, "I'll sacrifice myself and let you bite back."

"Forget it! If you are bitten by a smelly dog, can you come back? " She is angry, simply go out, "people and animals, there is nothing to haggle about!"

Small sample, the gall son is fat, actually scold to turn curvilinear scold him beast!

Lu Shiyan's dark eyes were darkened. Lu Shiyan was not annoyed. He even had a light smile on his thin lips? I'm on the contrary to you. I don't like to swallow my guts. I'll take revenge on the spot. "

Jiang Lai turned a big white eye to the ceiling and asked, "how? Are you going to bite the dog back? "

Lu Shiyan smiles, even the tears in the corner of his eyes seem to be stained with a little smile. "Revenge on the animals in such a low way is not good enough. The best way not to indulge a vicious dog is to kill it and stew the dog meat hotpot

The man's eyes are playful, Jiang Lai is seen straight hair by him, the back is a little chilly.

Ha ha

Why does it taste bad in his mouth?

Obviously, she is scolding him, but listen, how can she want to incarnate into a Tibetan mastiff and bite him to death?

She also knew that she could not speak of him, but also asked him. She simply changed her painting style, bent her eyebrows at him and said, "listening to the boss's words is better than reading for many years! I remember your teaching in my heart! That Can you promise me what I said just now

Lu Shiyan glanced at her lightly and asked casually, "what's the matter?"

"That's it." Jiang Lai looked at him with the corner of his eye and bit his lip, "about The withdrawal. "

Lu Shiyan chuckled, but at the bottom of his eyes he picked up some dark hues. "I've put money on people. Now I'll take them out again. Am I in a hurry, or do I burn too much money?"

If you dare to hurt him, it's not enough for him to be sentenced to four years!

Jiang Lai looked at him, skimmed his mouth, "is this not negotiable?"

In fact, she did not want to plead for song Yiyi and he Yuqian, but was entrusted by others.

"It's not negotiable." Lu Shiyan lifted his lips lightly, and refused very simply, "for dogs that bite people like this, my way of handling is to kill and bury them."

Jiang Lai

It seemed that she had to thank him for stewing herself.

When Lu Shiyan saw her silly little expression, he worked hard at the door and said, "I'll go out if there's nothing else."

"Ah?" Jiang Lai didn't understand what he meant.

"I want to wear clothes," Lu Shiyan said with a smile as she walked to the wardrobe. She was still standing there. "Or do you want to stay and watch?"

Jiang Lai looked at his tall body with only a pair of trousers on. His cheek was hot, and he turned around and went out.

"Goodbye, boss!"

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