Jiang Lai went out from lujiazhuang garden and waited for the old man for a long time.

Her appointment with Feng Yu'an is in a private restaurant with a small store.

The location of the private restaurant is a bit remote. After getting off the bus, there is still a long way to walk.

Jiang Lai didn't go far, but he felt something was wrong.

Behind her, it seemed that someone was following her.

In such a place, it is certainly not a good person to follow her, a girl who pays equal attention to beauty and wisdom!

With her eyes rolling around, she had an idea and deliberately went to the remote lane.

Until turning into a dead end, Jiang Lai slowly stopped.

Suddenly she turned her head and looked behind her.

Clearly, there are footsteps behind her, but when she looks at the past, the alley is empty, not even half a person.

"You've been with me for so long, don't you dare to show up?"

The lane was silent, and her words echoed back.

Jiang Lai waited for a moment and couldn't help but say, "it's not early. Whether you want to rob money or rob color, can you come out quickly?"

According to speculation, most of her followers are thieves.

She led people to such a blind alley that the land should not be called bad every day, so as to facilitate the justice of heaven and teach these loafers a lesson.

"So, are you going to rob me of money or lust?"

Accompanied by a mellow voice like a subwoofer, a tall and upright figure turned out from the side of the lane.

Under the neat round inch hairstyle, it is the facial features of Junlang hardline.

Jiang Yichen wore a blue gray men's casual dress, simple but elegant.

Slender fingers with a cigarette not lit, the angle of the lips inclined to pick up, ruffian, three scattered diffuse, seven lazy.

Jiang Lai sees clearly after coming, the surprise ground bends up eyebrow eye, "four elder brothers, how is you?"

Jiang Yichen turned the lighter in his hand, lit the peppermint cigarette in a handsome manner, took a breath, and slowly spit out the smoke.

"Why, you wish it were someone else?"

Jiang Lai skimmed his lips, "you followed me so far, I thought I met a bad man!"

Jiang Yichen played the peppermint smoke burning between his fingers and chuckled, "which villain has no eyes and dares to make your idea?"

Although Jiang Yichen did not show any hostility to Lu Shiyan at Miss Nie's birthday party, Jiang Lai still remembered that he wanted to kill the little Lord of the Lu family.

"Fourth brother, did you quit the business that hired you to kill the young master of the Lu family?"

In fact, she wanted to ask him the last time she was on a cruise ship, but she didn't find the right opportunity.

Jiang Yichen didn't expect that she was still thinking about it. Her long and narrow eyes narrowed, and she was angry and laughed. She deliberately lied to her and said, "if the big order of several hundred million yuan is returned, what does the fourth elder brother take to support the people under his hand?"

"But, fourth brother, even if you don't return this list, you can't finish it. How much will it affect your reputation on the road?"

She's right. His wolf army and the dark night organization of Zoe owl are all in the top three killers.

Since Zuo Xiao was jailed, the business received by the warwolf army has nearly doubled than before.

The failure to assassinate Lu Shiyan last time really damaged the reputation of their warwolf army.

Jiang Yichen vomited another puff of smoke. The smoke concealed the color of his eyes. "I'll find a chance to kill the little master of the Lu family some other day."

"No way!" Jiang Lai plate under the face, stare at him one eye, hum way, "four elder brother, I won't let you hurt my boss a hair!"

Jiang Yichen glared at her and raised a ruffian smile on his lips. "He's just an employer, not your boyfriend. Is it necessary to be so nervous about him?"

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