Interesting things?

Although Jiang lain is not old, he is not stupid.

What was the meaning of his words was dirty, and she could guess it with her toes.

Jiang Laihe was lazy to take care of him, turned over a white eye, sneered, "good dog not blocking way!"

The more she refused, the more interested Lu Si Yi was in her, "how, you usually have such a bad face for Lu Shiyan?"

Jiang laihum a voice, "sorry, you two are different varieties, can not make a comparison!"

"Oh?" Lu Si Yi peach blossom eyes overflow a bit of interesting smile, the sight can not help but fall on her pretty face, chase and ask, "what kind of I am, what kind of he is?"

Jiang Laicai doesn't care if he is a cousin of Lu Shiyan. Anyway, he doesn't take his salary. He puts a stinky face to him and shows him, "one is a person, one is a ghost!"

Lu Si Yi smiled softly, "you compare your boss to a ghost, don't you fear that he fired you?"

He found it really interesting to chat with Jiang Laihe had come to her, but Lu Shiyan seemed to be special to her.

But for anything that is born on land, he always wants to dye his fingers and destroy them.

Now a few words down, even he himself is about to like such a happy little girl.

But Jiang Laihe has no good feelings, even a kind of unreasonable disgust!

"You think more!" She sneered at him. Since she scolded him, he could not understand it, and he was straightforward and clear. "My boss is a handsome man, you are a shameless old goat!"

She raised her hand and waved to his arm, "get out of the way!"

Lu Si Yi's hand was opened by her at once, but how could he let go easily?

Dare to scold him as an old goat. She is the first!

Seeing that she was going to slip away from his face, he suddenly took a hand and clasped Jiang Lais wrist.

Jiang Lais steps to stop, side glance at the hand he held, the eye flash over the unabashed disgust.

She was really pissed off by him!

"You can't let go?"

"Don't let it go." Lu Si Yi looked at her porcelain white face, and her fingers deliberately scratched on her back, with a funny tease.

The place he touched by his finger was like being stung, and Jiang laitou immediately disgusted to goose bumps.

Looking at the abominable and disgusting man, she looked cold. "I don't seem to have to be polite to you for people who don't want to face you!"

Speaking, she raised her other hand, holding his arm without hesitation.

Meanwhile, she stepped back in the left leg, bent her knees and swung her arm!

A beautiful shoulder fall!

Lu Si Yi was hit by a lot of blows without even having time to respond.

His back hit the cold marble floor, which hurt him with a kind of illusion that his waist was about to break.


The pain nerves in the cortex were numb, and he was still snorting.

Jiang Laihang eyes to see a look some embarrassed man, clapped, "should be!"

Although she only used less than 30% of the force, but when she fell on him, she deliberately moved her wrist down, let him waist first to ground.

He can't die!

Lu Si Yi fell on the ground for nearly half a minute before he came in a little bit.

Fortunately, there is no one in the bathroom this time, or he will lose his face!

He climbed up from the ground, raising his hand to the injured waist, slowly squinting up the peach blossom eyes.

Such a strong pepper, the more can not eat mouth, the more people itch!

Jiang Lai, right?

Good, he remembered her, and he also remembered her this record shoulder fall.

The future is the chief, there will always be a time for her to pay the debt!

Wait! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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