"Be careful!"

Standing by the bedroom window, Lu Shiyan saw this scene and subconsciously extended his hand in her direction.

Unfortunately, there was a wall between them.

No matter how he stretched his arm, he couldn't reach her

With his eyes closed, Lu Shiyan suddenly turned around and smashed his fist on the wall.

The pain in the phalanx burned his nerves, but not as much as the pain in his heart.

However, when he looked downstairs, Jiang Lai's figure had disappeared on the lawn.


Out of the lujiazhuang garden, Jiang Lai wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and tied his messy long hair back.

Restore the battle state of full blood resurrection!

Where can I find half a pathetic look?

In fact, she was gambling just now, taking herself as a chip.

He was reluctant to gamble.

She knows Yuanbao too well and knows that in front of him, showing weakness is the best disguise.

The Revenge of family destruction and death is waiting for her to revenge. She must keep up her spirits!

Suddenly, the cell phone in her pocket rang.

Take out the mobile phone, when you see the caller ID is friend Feng Yu'an, Jiang Lai quickly put the phone through.

"Ann, what does the prison say?"

On the other end of the phone, came the calm voice of Feng Yu'an, "Xiao Lai, I have already said hello to the prison side, you can meet with your brother."

"Really? Great Jiang Lai's face showed a joyful expression and earnestly said to the person at the end of the mobile phone, "An'an, thank you!"

In fact, the death prison has always been forbidden to visit.

Although Feng Yu'an was once the best student in the first grade of the police academy, she was expelled from school three years ago for serious violations of school rules.

Later, she went abroad for further study, and only recently returned from abroad.

This time, in order to meet her brother, she must have spent a lot of effort.

"We grew up together, isn't it too much to say thank you to me?"

Jiang Lai thought about it and said, "are you free this weekend? I'll treat you to dinner! "

"Well, then I must give you a good one!"

"No problem!"

Jiang Lai hung up the phone and stopped a taxi by the side of the road.

"Master, go to death prison!"

After listening to the location, the driver's uncle changed his face on the spot, "little girl, I won't go there. You can get off."

Jiang Laiyi was stunned and asked, "why?"

The driver's uncle seems unwilling to say more, and his tone is also a little impatient, "where is so much? Why? Not to go is not to go! "

Death prison has been a prison break, killed the roadside waiting for the taxi driver, run away!

Who dares to go to such a dangerous place?

"Master, I'll give you more money! Double, no! triple! I'm really in a hurry! "

"Little girl, even if you give me more money, I will not go!"

The driver's uncle attitude is very firm, Jiang Lai has no way to force, can only get off the bus.

Next, she stopped several cars, and no one was willing to take her to the death prison.

As time passed by, Jiang Lai was afraid of missing the visiting time, but he told the driver a place name not far from the death prison.

There is still a long way to go when you get off the bus. You can only walk there on foot.


Lujiazhuang garden.

"Knock! Knock! Knock! "

The knock on the door suddenly sounded, and Lu Shiyan's face was cold and indifferent.

"Come in."

The door was opened, and Li Entai, his bodyguard, stopped in front of him with the information he had investigated.

"Little Lord."

Lu Shiyan stood by the French window with his broken hair falling down on his forehead, covering his eyes and not seeing his manner.

Can only hear his cold voice, not slow to ring, "people found?"

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