Jiang Lai watched Jiang Zongming's figure disappear behind the high wall of the Jiang family, pursed the corners of his mouth and looked around.

Yuanbao is injured. Where will he go?

Wuyishan is so big that she can't make any deviation in her judgment, otherwise his life may be in danger.

If she was injured, in order to avoid being found by the Jiang family's disciples, she would definitely find the kind of remote road that no one has ever walked through. The more remote the better.

Think of here, what flashed in Jiang Lai's mind.

The next second, she held the backpack strap in both hands and strode back to the mountain.



In the injured left arm, the two silver needles were like two amplified pain sources, which pricked his nerves again and again.

The blood had been stopped, but in such a place, he could not take out the needle which was completely out of the meat with his bare hands. He could only endure the pain.

It's getting dark.

The back of the mountain is thick with trees, which block the moonlight.

The narrow path was so dark that almost nothing could be seen.

Lu Shiyan lost too much blood and soaked in the cold lake for a long time. At this time, he was walking with fatigue and scars.

Although it is early summer, but the clothes can be soaked by the mountain night wind, still cold to the bone.

The man's face was not very good, and his breath was a little heavy and short.

The burning pain at the wound seriously affected his mobility and judgment.

After walking for a long time, he found that he had gone astray.

Lu Shiyan supported a tree next to him and leaned his body on the trunk of the tree and pulled up his thin lips with self mockery. "This kind of thing of getting lost should be the patent of Xiaolai. How can I get lost?"

Of course, it's not his fault.

The path in the mountain was originally similar, and it was too dark to identify the direction.

It's not easy for him to hold on to now with his injured body.

The man rested on the tree trunk for a moment and slowly looked up at the night sky overhead.

Through the layers of branches and leaves, you can see a full moon hanging in the night.

Tomorrow night is the full moon night!

Thinking of Jiang Lai, the man closed his eyes, bit his teeth, and slowly straightened up his body.

He can't fall here, must find Jiang Lai, absolutely can't let the third uncle's plot succeed.

Thinking, he touched it and put it in his pocket.

When he touched the outline of the wooden box, he could not help but feel a little relieved.

The heritage is still there, safe and sound.

With his long legs, he continued to walk forward.

Although I don't know where this road leads to, he can't stop, otherwise it will be easy for Jiang family to catch up with him.

Men continue to go forward with a deep foot and a shallow foot, each step is very difficult.

The night in the mountains, with a cool fog, from time to time there will be some insects and frogs, but listen to the ear is more and more quiet.

With the gust of night wind, he felt that the temperature of his forehead seemed to rise a little bit.

Vision also gradually become blurred, dizzy.

Lu Shiyan raised his right hand and touched his forehead.

It's like a fever.

I don't know how long it is from the foot of the mountain, and I don't know what time it is.

But he must rush down the mountain as soon as possible, and find a way to inform Jiang Lai and his father that the inheritance has been taken back, and there is no need to go back to the Jiang family to risk.

Just thinking about it, suddenly his foot tripped over something like a vine.

He had an injury on his body. After he was tripped, his reaction slowed down for half a beat, and his body suddenly lost balance.

"Dong!" With a dull sound, he fell into the grass.

He tried to get up, but his limbs began to get out of control, and his strength seemed to be suddenly pulled away.

As soon as it was dark, he fell into the endless darkness

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