Jiang Lai seems to feel the danger, alert drop back two steps.

She swallowed her saliva and directed the light of her cell phone toward the sound source.

The light disturbed the snakes coiled in the grass. One by two they put their sharp triangular heads up.

Jiang Lai found that there was more than one snake in the grass, and there were seven or eight snakes in the grass!

One of the snakes is as thick as a baby's arm, and the whole body is colorful!

At the moment, the snake's vertical pupil refracts the light and sends out a cold light.

It seems to have found the existence of Jiang Lai, it vomited the bloody letter to her direction.

"Snake, snake?" Jiang Lai's tongue was knotted, and she was most afraid of this mollusk. At this time, her legs were trembling.

In summer, snakes also begin to move frequently.

Especially on this humid mountain, the environment is most favored by snakes.

Maybe it was the flashlight that stimulated the snake, who thought the existence of ginger was a threat.

The next second, the snake twisted its long body and swam towards her.

Jiang Lai's face was white with fright. He retreated and said incoherently, "what do you want to do? Don't, don't mess! I warn you, if you dare to swim one centimeter, I will beat you into snake dregs

How could the snake understand her threat?

Besides, she was more likely to irritate the snake by yelling at it.

The snake's body twists and turns, speeding up its swimming speed.

Jiang Lai was so scared that his hair stood up, "Hello, Hello! Snake, what do you want? You, you calm down, don't be impulsive! My kung fu is really good! I don't want to eat snake soup at night

As she spoke, her legs kept falling back.

Just as she was saying that, when her right foot fell, she suddenly stepped into the air.

Jiang Lai's center of gravity was suddenly unstable, and he fell behind him.

It turned out that she had retreated to the side of the mountain road, and behind her was a long slope.

The accident came unexpectedly, and Jiang Lai rolled on.


As she rolled down, she let out a terrible scream, which disturbed the silence in the mountains.

The hillside is overgrown with weeds.

Because she had a bag on her back, she didn't roll down very fast.

In the process of rolling, Jiang Lai felt that there was some hard grass across her skin and cut her cheek.

However, she couldn't stop herself. She could only bite her teeth and pray to get rid of the terrible snakes in such a direction.

Roll, roll, roll, roll, roll for a long time before gradually rolling to the ground.

Jiang Lai felt dizzy in his head. He didn't even have the strength to get up.

She was lying on the ground, gasping for breath, a sense of relief after a disaster.

Fortunately, there was no big stone on the ramp, otherwise, she would have blown out her head.

The bag behind her also protected her as she rolled down.

She was not seriously injured except for two small cuts in her face by some unknown weed.

Jiang Lai got up from the ground and patted the soil on his body.

The trees here are not very dense, and the silvery white moonlight can barely see the surrounding situation.

There is a bamboo forest not far away. When the wind blows, the bamboo leaves make a rustling sound.

"Here it is! This is the path I used to take when I was a child! "

Jiang lai see familiar scenery, heart a joy, lift foot to stride forward a step.

However, when I step on it, I feel soft under my feet.

Looking back on what had happened just now, she was immediately excited again, and her heart was fluffy.

It won't be so bad. Did you step on the snake again?

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