"It's OK. I have a card!" When Jiang Lai went to university, he was also a playful master. Naturally, he could not live without the cards of various clubs.

Although there was something wrong with Jiang's family, she still had a lot of money left on her Chao song membership card.

Feng Yu'an's nerves have not been relaxed since Zuo Xiao appeared. He really needs to find a place to indulge.

After hearing this, she didn't insist, "then go."

Arriving at the destination, the two security guards saw Chaoge's unique membership card and respectfully opened the heavy door for them.

All of a sudden, they are like walking into a different world.

Resplendent decoration, extravagant, confused but also provocative.

In the deafening music, men and women are dancing close to each other on the dance floor, revealing the most primitive disturbance in their hearts.

Feng Yu'an did undercover work, a glance from the dazzling lights to detect a trace of strange.

There is a bundle of infrared rays that can hardly be seen by the naked eye, which is sweeping through every guest passing by the door.

It's a kind of detector that is hard to buy on the market. When the red light sweeps through the human body, everything on your body, especially dangerous weapons, will be clearly displayed on the monitor screen.

It is not unreasonable that the Lu family can take the lead in the business world!

Jiang Lai this period of time, the bottom of his heart is depressed, and now he is here, he is completely out of control.

"Ann, go! Dance

Feng Yu'an had a strict family education. Where could he dance that hot dance?

"I can't dance."

"It's very simple. Just follow the rhythm! Every time you used to drink juice at the bar, what a waste Jiang Lai is not willing to depend on, pulled her to the dance floor direction to drag, "since came, must make a pretence! Be happy

Feng Yu an could not resist her, so he went to the dance floor with her.

There were a lot of people on the dance floor, and their unadorned faces were clean and eye-catching among the women with heavy make-up.

Two people jump not long, there is a man to chat up.

"Miss, would you like me to buy you a drink?"

"No reward." Jiang Lai glanced at the young gentleman in front of him, waved impatiently, "get out of the way."

"San Shao, you can't even take down a cabbage?"

The young men beside him burst into laughter, waiting to see the good play one by two.

The young man, who was called "San Shao", suddenly looked bad. He raised his hand and tried to press Jiang Lai's shoulder. "I asked you to drink wine. That's your face. Don't give it to you!"

Jiang Lai eyebrow a twist, easily avoided his hand, "while I am ok now to talk, quickly get out of the way."

The three little's face was even more ugly. He immediately seemed to think of something and raised his eyebrows in a wild way, "yo! It's a rose with thorns! But I like you

Jiang Lai listened to his self talk and sneered, "you are sick!"

When she was disturbed, she lost the mood of dancing and turned to the humanity around her, "Ann, let's drink!"

Seeing that she ignored herself, San Shao had no light on her face, and directly raised his hand to touch her face. "The woman I like has never been denied..."

Before he finished his words, Jiang Lai had already made a move, and the action had to fall to the ground, clasp his wrist, and pull and fold with force.

Even in the background of noisy music, the sound of carpal dislocation is still clear and audible.

"Ah Three little pain has twisted the whole face, cold sweat on the spot from the forehead Qin out.

"What a disappointment Jiang Lai didn't want to make it too ugly, so he walked out of the dance floor.

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