"Xiao Lai, do you have the heart to see me suffer physically and mentally?" Lu Shiyan's laryngeal junction slipped for a moment, and his voice sounded in her ears. She was seduced and pretended to be weak. "I'm still a wounded man now! My arm hurts too

Jiang Lai's ears were about to smoke, and she felt that his lips almost touched her auricle. She immediately looked like a cat stepped on her tail and almost jumped up.

"Forget it She gave him a push and stepped back from his arms.


Suddenly, the man covered the injured arm and snorted.

Jiang Lai immediately nervous, thought it was his mistake to hurt him, and rushed closer to the past, "is not I just hit your wound?"

The pain is real, but it's not overwhelming.

Looking at her nervous and worried expression, Lu Shiyan deliberately tightened her eyebrows. "Well, I hit it."

"Ah!" Jiang Lai's careful dirty immediately tight, self blame to can't, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to! Then I'll get the flashlight and see if there's any bleeding in the wound? "

With that, she tried to get up from the grass with both hands and feet.

But where can Lu Shiyan let her succeed?

He grabbed her wrist and continued to ask, "do you agree or not?"

Jiang Lai thought that his attention had been shifted and he wanted to muddle through. He didn't expect that he was still thinking about her reply.

Her long eyelashes blinked, and she continued to pretend she didn't understand, "answer, promise what?"

"What do you mean by the question you asked just now?" Lu Shiyan did not give her a chance to escape. He looked straight into her eyes. "If you are shy, you don't have to answer. Just nod instead."

This man is really sinister. If he nods his head, he has not only one choice but also to promise!

Jiang Lai in his gaze, the head has an instant blank, subconsciously nodded.

Lu Shiyan burst into a smile with a satisfied smile on his eyebrows and eyes.

"Now that you agree, let's go on."

"Continue?" Jiang Lai a stay, "continue what?"

He clenched his lips and said, "go on what you didn't do."

She frowned and worried, "but, your injury..."

"It doesn't matter. I'm in pain and happy now."

But in a second, she was about to touch her lips.

"Gulu -- Gulu --"

the discordant sound of starvation sounded again.

Raised his hand to press the forehead, Lu Shiyan voice with a bit of helplessness, "it seems that you are hungry."

Jiang Lai stood up from the ground with both hands and feet.

Listening to his teasing, she bit her lower lip and retorted, "I That I can't control my belly scream

"Let's go out and see if we can find anything to eat nearby." Lu Shiyan was standing on the grass with one hand and was about to get up, but his knee hurt suddenly and fell back.

This time, it's not fake, it's true.

It's too dark around. After Jiang Lai stood up, he didn't see his movements clearly, but heard a dull sound.

She rushed to the grass shop again, "boss! Are you all right? "

When Lu Shiyan had a fight with Jiang Yichen before, both sides suffered some injuries.

But he was worried about Jiang Lai's safety and did not deal with it.

Last night in the fight with Jiang Zongming, the injury was aggravated.

Later, after soaking in the lake for so long, the injury was aggravated.

And from last night to now, he has not eaten anything except Jiang Lai's water.

The strength in the body has been hollowed out. Where can I stand up?

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