Jiang Lai didn't listen to him at this time, and his hands held him closer.

"Hard It's hard... "

Without his comfort, her body temperature suddenly dropped again, low enough to freeze the blood!

Sometimes cold, while hot, this kind of ice and fire two days of pain, like an invisible big hand, can tear her in two at any time!

And she is like a person walking in the desert, holding him desperately looking for oasis.

After finding his thin lips, she kisses them in disorder.

In fact, her every action now is just an instinctive reaction under the traction of blood.

But even if is so astringent to have no skill to speak of, still very easy to stir up the anger in the man's body.

Lu Shiyan felt his whole body's blood boiling, and the wild animals in his body were ready to move.

At this time, Jiang Lai suddenly bit him.

Her strength is not big, so appropriate strength, he suddenly stiff, stepped out of the leg unexpectedly out of balance.

His wound is not light, still holding Jiang Lai in his arms.

In this case, there is no way to save yourself.

As a result, he can only hold the person in his arms tightly, turn around and let himself land on his back.

With a dull thud, the two of them were falling on the hay bed!

Jiang Lai was protected in his arms and did not fall.

However, Lu Shiyan's leg has hit the floor, so painful that he has no strength to frown!

Pale, he gasped, and it took a few seconds for him to recover.

At this time, Jiang Lai has already turned into a pool of water in his arms, and his body is tender and soft.

A pair of big eyes half squint, blurred eyes seem to be covered with a thin layer of fog, with a full of attraction.

"Hard A lot of ants Ants are crawling It's hard... "

She didn't know where she was suffering. In any case, every cell in her body seemed to be bitten by ants. It was painful and itchy, but she couldn't find a way out.

The temperature continued to rise, and her hands were not idle, and she felt about him.

The shirt Lu Shiyan was wearing had been scratched by her with a saber, and there was no thread on her upper body.

Her hand fell on his skin without hindrance, and the temperature of her fingertips was like a fire, which completely ignited him.


Lu Shiyan's breathing suddenly became disordered, and her body seemed to be dragged into the furnace and burned, which could be turned into ashes at any time.

His dark eyes are as dark as the thick ink that cannot be assimilated. He tightly purses his thin lips, his eyes are burning, and he stares at the girl who is lying on his body and fanning the flames.

"Jiang Lai, don't you regret it?"

The man's low voice, as if with the power of bewitching, rings in her ear.

Where does Jiang Lai have the energy to think about his problems?

While kissing his clavicle, he kept saying incoherent words in his mouth, "I don't regret There are ants... "

Her body was full of heat and cold, which tormented her.

This man is her only antidote.

Close to him, get him, she can be saved!

In the dark, Lu Shiyan's blue veins in his forehead were beating.

However, he tried to restrain the impulse in the body, coagulated her, and asked word by word, "Xiaolai, who am I?"

Jiang Lai closed his eyes and continued to spare no effort to kiss him, "Yuanbao Yuanbao... "

Lu Shiyan felt that the temperature of his body was hot enough to explode in situ. His thin lips lifted slightly and said hoarsely, "Xiaolai, I like you. I like you since I was very young. I like you very much..."

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