On his line of sight, Jiang Lai ferocious way, "don't talk nonsense, how can you be my person?"

Lu Shiyan pointed back at his body. "You can see for yourself."

His chest was covered with various scratches and bite marks, which really made people can't bear to look directly.

Jiang Lai raised his hand to cover his two eyes and shook his head hypnotically, "I don't look, I don't look! I can't see anything! "

"Xiaolai, the raw rice has been cooked. Do you want to be irresponsible?" The man picked the eyebrow tip, looked at her, the lip corner cannot help but slightly up.

Jiang Lai immediately covered the change purse in his trouser pocket and looked at him warily, "boss, how do you want me to be responsible? I have no money

"It's simple." Lu Shiyan's smile on his lips deepened a few times. He squinted his eyes and said, "you slept with me last night. When I'm well, let me sleep back."

"Ah?" Jiang Lai immediately silly eye, have not heard to finish was asleep once, can return with this kind of method, "so also OK?"

Lu Shiyan spread out his hands, looked at her silly little expression, and continued to tease her, "Hmm, what can't I do?"

"Boss, this is not the time to talk about it." Jiang Lai's eyes slip around, decisively shift the topic, "shouldn't we think of a way to leave here?"

Although this cave is very secret, Wuyishan is the territory of the Jiang family.

If Jiang Zongyi doesn't give up looking for them and wait for Jiang's disciples to find them, I'm afraid they won't be able to leave!

Lu Shiyan also thought about this problem, but now that he is seriously injured, he even has problems walking normally. Where can he get down the mountain?

His eyebrows closed slightly. He pondered for a moment and then said slowly, "now it seems that there is only one way."

Jiang Lai on his line of sight, chase asked, "what method?"

"Get out of here first, and then get someone to help me."

If he leaves with her, it will not only slow down her speed, but also be in danger of being discovered by the Jiang family.

Only today's plan is to let Jiang Lai leave first. He stays here waiting for her to find someone to pick him up.

"How about that?" As soon as his words were finished, Jiang Lai shook his head and objected, "no way! Absolutely not! I will not leave you alone

Lu Shiyan's eyebrows were twisted again, and he said, "Xiaolai, if we are both consumed here, it will only increase the risk of being found by the Jiang family, understand?"

Of course she understood. She just didn't want to leave him alone.

What if the Jiang family finds out about him after she leaves?

He was hurt so badly that he didn't even have the ability to defend himself.

Biting her lips, she replied firmly, "I don't want to go. I want to go together."

Lu Shiyan looked at her clear and beautiful face, and her lips opened gently. He advised, "Xiao Lai, don't be capricious. Listen to me..."

"I'm not going, I'm not going!" Jiang Lai simply covered his two ears, "anyway, I'm not going anywhere! Stay here with you

See her obstinate temper come up, the man pursed the lip corner, persuades the way earnestly, "small Lai, now is not the time to be spirited. The people of the Jiang family may come to us at any time. If we don't leave as soon as possible, do we have to wait for Jiang Zongyi to arrest us? "

Jiang Lai's heart is very clear, once Jiang Zongyi caught back to the Jiang family, then their two people's situation will not be good.

Even, it could be life-threatening!

He was right, but where could she rest assured of leaving him alone in the cave?

What if the Jiang family find him before she comes back?

Jiang Zongyi has already killed him. If he is found, he will probably be mercilessly solved on the spot!

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