"Why, was I right?" Lu Shiyan's dark eyes look cold and heavy, thin lips gently pull, with a sneer radian, "then you are really sad."

Zhang Jun as like as two peas, hateful appearance, but she thinks he is so ugly.

"Shut up Mu wanci's chest heaved violently. Obviously, her mood was a little extreme, "what do you know? You don't know anything! "

"Oh Lu Shiyan looked at her out of control expression, and chuckled, "at least I am a man. From a man's point of view, even if the world's women are extinct, probably no one would like to marry a woman like you. You were not the woman he chose, but someone forced him to do it? "

Although this is just what he said casually in order to cope with her, listening to Mu wanci's ears, every word is like a sharp dagger straight into her heart!

Her delicate make-up could not cover her stiff and insidious facial features. Her hands on the side of her body could not be tightened. Her strength was so strong that she almost broke off her new nails.

She stared at him and was silent for a long time. She raised her hand to lift her broken hair on the edge of her forehead and sneered, "do you think the old man will transfer all the shares to you when he wakes up, so you want to tear my face with me? I tell you, no way! As long as I am here, I will never let him transfer his shares to an outsider! "



After hearing her words, Lu Shiyan's eyes were suddenly too dark to penetrate into a ray of light.

He was sitting in a wheelchair, staring at her coldly, with sarcasm on his eyebrows and the corners of his eyes. "But, don't forget how I, an outsider, came to the Lu family."

"You Mu wanci heard the threat in his tone, and was almost ready to bite his back alveolar. "I warn you, you'd better settle down! It's no good for anyone if you come after me

Looking at her angry expression, Lu Shiyan raised her thin lips and laughed wantonly, "isn't Mrs. Lu fighting with me now?"

At this time, where there is the usual lady posture, she is just like a market shrew.

Mu wanci listened to his careless tone, but she was not angry.

What he said just now, she was not sure whether he was talking casually or investigating her past in order to contain her.

If he finds out anything, how can she be a lady Lu?

Lu Yuanzheng and his son have long wanted to take her down from the position of general manager. As soon as they hear the wind blowing and grass moving, they will certainly make some moves!

So, she can't turn against him now!

At least, before the son wakes up, he still has the use value!

With this in mind, mu wanci tried to adjust her facial expression and squeeze out a far fetched smile. "Since you have a relapse, you'd better have a good rest in the hospital! In order to avoid any disease in the future, it is still my mother who is sad and sad in the end

With that, she cut her hair on the side of her cheek, turned and left the ward.

Looking at the man's cold expression, can't help but look at the cold face of the boss

"It's OK." Lu Shiyan closed his eyes and opened them again. When he opened them again, his expression had returned to his usual mild state. "Let's go out and let grandfather have a good rest."

"Oh, good." Jiang Lai looked at the old man still in coma on the hospital bed and pushed the wheelchair out of the ward.

At the moment when the door of the ward was closed, the eyelids of the people lying on the hospital bed jumped and their fingers gently moved twice

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