Jiang Laihe pulled directly into his arms, is trying to struggle, he did not hurt the arm will her waist circle.

"Let me hold it for a while, just a moment."

The man's magnetic voice is very good, but it has no end to reveal a weak.

Jiang Lais action is not by a meal, bite lip petal, with a little hesitation, "boss, what is wrong with you?"

He rarely shows such helpless posture in front of her, so it is more worrying.

Lu Shiyan put her face on her abdomen, and felt her temperature through thin cloth.

"It's OK, it's just a little tired."

In fact, the physical tired, he can bear, the most tired is his heart.

Like wandering in the sea where waves roll, there is no way to the other side, but to accept the baptism of waves and wind over and over again.

Jiang laizheng Zheng, raised his right hand, gently patted his back, soothed him, "tired sleep, tomorrow is a new start!"

She is an optimistic and positive person, even if she had encountered such an accident at Jiang's home, she could not erase her most valuable things.

Lu Shiyan held her waist tight, thin lips moved, tail gently, "holding you to sleep?"

This man is injured like this, it is not serious!

Jiang Laizhen wants to push him away, let him live and die!

However, she still refused to give him a heavy hand, "you sleep yourself, I go to the doctor to come over, and repaint your wound. If the wound is stained with water, it will easily get inflamed if it is not handled in time. "

Lu Shiyan has a tight eye on his eyelashes, and his eyes are full of complex emotions.

After a long silence, he finally slowly released his hand and held her. "Well, go."

He is a very rational man, and he can not give up on his own because he meets something.

Negative emotions are good to vent, there is no need to hurt their bodies for those irrelevant people, right?

Jiang Laihe left before staring at him, see his look is still normal, this turned to leave the ward.

After she left, Lu Shiyan took out Lin's new mobile phone and dialed a number. "Pass my order and transfer Lee ntei from South Africa Yes, buy today's ticket... "

After a long time, the doctor arrived.

Cut off his sleeve of his sick suit, and when he saw a bruise that had been blistered white, the doctor was not too frightened.

"Mr. Lu, although you have not hurt your muscles and bones, your arm is very thin and deep. If you get water often, it's very bad for healing. If you want to take a bath, you can tell us the medical staff that a professional nurse will come to help you take a bath and ensure that you will not encounter your wound. "

Obviously Jiang Laihe had told the doctor all his conditions when he went to call a doctor.

Lu Shiyan frowned slightly, and the handsome face was proud and hot. "I don't like strangers to help me take a bath."

The doctor choked at him, and he couldn't help but float an embarrassment on his face, "that The nurses in our hospital are all the most professional, and their professional quality is first class... "

Before he finished, Lu Shiyan raised his lips again and interrupted him, "then I don't like it."

Jiang Laihe looked at the man who was angry with the big master, and then looked at his arm, which was soaked in the water, and suddenly came to fire. "Boss, can you not be willful in front of the doctor? If you want to recover early, you should take the doctor's advice as a holy decree! "

The doctor heard this, immediately to Jiang Laihe to the grateful eyes.

Still the little girl knows the matter!

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