"Grandpa said Yes. "

The expression on Lu Si Yi's face was suddenly too tense to see, almost black.

But he can only bear, forcing himself to swallow this.

Yes, his existence value since childhood is to become the right hand of the quasi heir.

Because his father was a maid who seduced him with his old man's drunkenness, he was pregnant with the wild plants.

Therefore, as a man who loves his wife deeply, ludingchuan hates his mistakes after drinking and hates his father's identity of having a son.

Until the maid died, Lu Dingchuan took Lu Yuanzheng back to Lu's home.

Later, mu wanci's husband died in an accident and Lu thought his chance came.

However, who can think that Lu would rather give Lu to his daughter-in-law, not give him a chance!

He could not swallow it for so many years.

It's also a son. Why is he inferior? Why is his son inferior?

Lu Yuanzheng's hand on the side of his body is tight and tight, and finally he can't help it, "Dad! Are you old and confused? What is Lu Shiyan's ability? If it wasn't for our father and son to take the lead on the board of directors, you thought he would be a airborne president who would sit still? "

"Oh!" Lu Shiyan suddenly laughed and listened to the low magnetic voice with a little derision in his ear. "So, I really appreciate uncle's trouble! I also hope uncle will preside over the overall situation for me in the board of directors in the future, so that I, the airborne president, will continue to sit down safely. "

In Lu Shi, who does not know, Lu Shiyan and Lu Yuanzheng father and son privately incompatible?

Although there was no trouble on the surface, they often raised the weight with Lu Shiyan on the board of directors.

Now he actually opens his eyes here and talks blind. His face is big enough!

Lu Yuanzheng was choked by him, and his face suddenly hung up. "Xiaoyan, look at what you said, we are all family, no matter what uncle does, it is not for you?"

"Then I'll be relieved." Lu Shiyan smiled, and the sexy thin lip sipped a light arc. "Before grandpa said he wanted to transfer the shares to me, I actually refused. I think like you, I am afraid that I can't stand up to my responsibilities. But since I have such support from my uncle and cousin now, I have nothing to worry about. "

"You I...... " Lu Yuanzheng was put together by him, and he blocked his words.

But ludingchuan did not give him the opportunity to speak again, and directly looked at the quiet mowan kindness at the end of the bed.

From the beginning to now, except for a greeting, when Lu Yuanzheng and his son even attacked her son with the language of gun and stick, she didn't make a voice to defend it. It is very abnormal.

"Wanci, what do you think of the matter of shares?"

By the old man named, mu wanci became the focus of several people.

She looked up at the old man, and she smiled appropriately on her delicate face. "Dad, I think Xiaoyan is still young, and the matter of shares is not in a hurry. Big brother, what they said is not unreasonable, I am also worried about the body of Xiaoyan can not eat. He is my son, and I don't want him to have a single accident. Right, Xiaoyan? "

At the end of the day, she turned to the man in the wheelchair, with a gentle and friendly look, as if she were a loving mother who was really thinking about her son.

But her answer was really unexpected to Lu Yuanzheng's father and son. They were not sure which one she sang today?

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