Jiang Lai didn't notice the eyes of his descendants. He helped the old man and continued to chat with him while walking, "grandfather, do you feel bored in the ward every day?"

"More than boredom?" Lu Dingchuan shook his head and sighed, "every day I lie in the hospital bed, it's getting moldy! I wish I could find something interesting to kill time, but I don't like watching TV in the ward either

Jiang Lai rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "my Lord, if I go out and buy a box of go later, how about playing chess?"

Lu Dingchuan heard the speech, his eyes suddenly lit up, "this is a good idea! Then send someone to buy it, and we'll kill some later! "

"Good! I'll take you to our boss's ward first, and you can have a chat with him

In the ward, Lu Shiyan heard the movement outside the door, his eyes flashed, and his eyes turned away.

"Click!" With the sound of opening the door, when he raised his head, his face had already aroused a warm smile.

"Grandfather, why are you here?"

Lu Dingchuan looked at his grandson with a kind smile, "I'm so bored in the ward that I'll come to see you."

"If you feel bored, just let me see you." Lu Shiyan turned his wheelchair and stopped in front of him.

"No, you don't have to. Your leg is still injured. It's not convenient." Lu Dingchuan looked at him, and then said, "I need to move an old bone."

Jiang Lai helped the old man to stop in front of the sofa, "grandfather, you should sit down for a while, I will come when I go."

Seeing that she was in a hurry to leave, Lu Shiyan raised his eyebrows and asked, "where to go?"

Jiang Lai on the line of sight that he inquires, return a way, "I go to buy a game of chess to come back to play with grandfather."

Lu Shiyan pursed the corners of his lips, pondered for half a second, and slowly replied, "you are here to talk to my grandfather. I'll let others buy them."

Don't have to run errands by oneself, Jiang Lai of course is very happy, nod a way immediately, "good!"

Lu Shiyan took out his mobile phone from his pocket, dialed a number and went out, "Li Entai, you go out to buy a pair of go and bring it to my ward."

After the phone call, he looked up at Lu Dingchuan and said with a smile, "grandfather, wait a moment. Someone will send go to you soon."

"Good, good." Lu Dingchuan should a, suddenly thought of what, asked him, "by the way, what did your mother just come to say to you?"

Lu Shiyan was slightly stunned, and then began to hang up the corners of his lips lazily, "mother, is that man, grandfather should not understand it very well? She came to me to talk about the company. What else could she say? "

Lu Dingchuan sighed and was silent for a long time before he began to say, "Xiaoyan, don't blame your mother for not caring about you. In fact, she doesn't care about you, she just doesn't know how to care about people. Since the death of your father, Lu's burden has been on her. She has to be strong for you, and you should learn to understand her. "

Although the old man did not know what their mother and son had talked about, he could feel the difference between them even though they were hidden well.

Lu Shiyan's eyes flashed a bit of complexity, and there was no way to tell others about the relationship between himself and mu wanci.

After a brief silence, he nodded and answered, "grandfather, I know what you mean. I know what to do."

"It's good to know that you are a sensible child, and my grandfather believes in you." Lu Dingchuan knew that he was very clever and nodded with satisfaction.

In Lu Shiyan's drooping eyes, there is a trace of contradiction and complexity. If one day he leaves the Lu family, the person he most reluctant to part with will probably be his grandfather

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