Jiang Lai looked at his expression at this time, his feet involuntarily walked forward two steps.

However, thinking of what he had just teased herself, she forced herself to take back her feet.

"No matter whether you have real pain or false pain, I won't care about you any more!" Jiang Lai finish saying, turn to walk toward the door.

Open the door handle, she turned her face again toward the direction of the man, when he saw that he still maintained the position just now, Jiang Lai still stopped and folded back.

"Hello She stopped in front of the wheelchair, raised her foot and kicked the wheelchair, "boss, are you ok?"

Lu Shiyan's breath was heavy, and his eyebrows were very tight. "It's OK."

I don't know if he is fighting with her. He doesn't even look at her and spits out two words from his lips coldly.

However, Jiang Lai in his mouth to hear his state is very bad, obviously something.

She pursed the corner of her mouth, or bowed her head to get close to the past, "where is the injury? Let me see. "

As she spoke, she reached out to the man's injured hand, trying to untie his shirt Cufflinks and examine the condition of the wound.

However, only when her hand touched the corner of his coat, Lu Shiyan slightly sidestepped his arm and made way for him with pride and tenderness, "no need."

Jiang lai see him so do not cooperate, not from frown frown, "boss, you don't willful, don't move, in case the wound split will be very troublesome."

"It doesn't matter. If it's cracked, it will crack. Anyway, no one will be distressed." Lu Shiyan went back to understatement, as if the injured person was not him at all, "what's more, what's a man bleeding? As long as the arm is not broken, he will still be a hero after his injury


How can you hear this so familiar?

Jiang Lai saw that he was playing a young master's temper. He pulled the corners of his mouth, and with a smile, he was moved with emotion and told him with reason, "boss, even if you are in a quarrel with me, you don't have to make fun of your own body. In the end, it's you who suffer."

Lu Shiyan is not a person who can be easily convinced. With a thin lip and a salty tone, he can even hear a trace of loose meaning, "yes, anyway, it's me who suffers, and it's related to you?"

Jiang Lai is really to be angry by him, even the flow rate of the liquid in the blood vessel is a few minutes faster.

She raised her chin, and her tone was also tough. "I'm your bodyguard. I'm in charge of your personal safety!"

Lu Shiyan finally glanced up at her, and his lips seemed to have a curve. "But now, no one is threatening my personal safety."

"Yes! It's you Jiang Laizhen raised his hand with words and pointed to the tip of his nose, "I am a selfless man, even if it is you who threaten your safety, you can't do it!"

With that, she took another step forward, grabbed his injured arm and began to unbutton him.

In fact, her strength is not big. If Lu Shiyan really wants to break free, she is light and easy to get rid of.

However, he did not move any more, just watched her roll up the sleeve of his shirt.

Jiang Lai looked at the bloodstain on the gauze, and his eyebrows twisted so high.

"The wound, which was not easy to be cured, has cracked again! Can't you save the doctors? In case your hand is damaged by you, what will you do in the future? "

Obviously, he was blaming her, but the blind could see the worry in her eyes.

Lu Shiyan gazed at her face quietly, his lips curled up, and he didn't answer.

He loved the feeling of being cared for by her, and even though the wound was still aching, he still enjoyed it.

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