Holding the two cards in his slender fingers, Lu Shiyan continued to make a voice, which was full of bewitching power in his low voice, "so, are you going to eat meat or earth?"

Meat or earth?

This is the biggest problem!

Jiang Lai was originally no meat is not happy, if you fall out with him, it is estimated that after every meal even two yuan a catty of nutrient soil can not afford to eat!

With this recognition, she is not good as a whole.

Look at the two black cards in his hand. Under the light, the black cards seem to have their own halo, which is almost blinding to her!

Anyway, it's an indisputable fact that she's sleeping. Anyway, she's going to take him sooner or later. Since she's going to take care of it sooner or later, why don't you start now?

What's more, I've got him now and two black cards. It's a win-win situation!

It took only two seconds for her to analyze the interests in her mind.

As soon as her eyes rolled around, she reached out to take the black card in his hand. "Meat, of course."

However, Lu Shiyan's eyes and hands were quick. Her hand had not touched the black card. He lifted his arm and raised the black card above his head. "You haven't told me your choice yet?"

Jiang Lai touched the stomach that he didn't even eat at night. His heart was horizontal and his teeth were bitten. "I agreed!"

He leaned back in his chair, raised his eyebrows leisurely, opened his lips and asked, "what do you promise?"

Already arrived at this step, Jiang Lai is also lazy to argue with him again, very simply return a way, "I promise to let you be my boyfriend!"

"How nice." Hearing this, Lu Shiyan was immediately satisfied and handed over the two black cards in his hand.

But when Jiang Lai reached for the card, he made a sound again, clasped her wrist and pulled her to his leg.

Thinking of his wound dehiscence just now, Jiang Lai immediately became nervous, but did not dare to move too much, afraid to hurt him again, "boss, what do you do?"

"Don't move."

Jiang Lai was like being ordered acupoints fixed in place in general, only eyes in orbit to turn around, "why?"

Lu Shiyan looked at her puzzled eyes, raised her lips and showed a satisfied smile. "It's good. Keep this posture."

As he spoke, he gently put her in his arms with his uninjured arm.

Jiang Lai still dare not move, take an eye to stare at him, "boss, the time is not early, can you not toss yourself, also don't toss me?"

Staring at her for more than ten seconds, the man reached out and pinched her face and whispered, "there's the last step, it's over."

Jiang Lai turned his face to him and asked, "what steps?"

Lu Shiyan's arm around her waist slowly slides down the spine line on her back.

Through the thin cloth, Jiang Lai can clearly feel the hot temperature between his fingers.

His back became stiff and his heart lost its frequency.

"Miss Jiang Lai, I want to seal for you now."

As the man speaks, his arm is slightly tight, and the two people's bodies are close together.

The thin lips fell down, and so they imprinted her lips.

This time, he just kisses her like a dragonfly, and soon separated.

"Jiang Lai." He called her name in a low voice, his thin lips opened and closed, and every word he said would brush her cheek.

Jiang Lai immediately felt that there was an invisible electric current spreading from the lip flap, straight to all parts of the body, so that she even felt numb at the tip of her heart.

But she straightened her back, pretending to be calm and asked, "what do you want me to do?"

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