Is the ambition revealed?

Mu wanci's beautiful eyes flashed a touch of evil, but her voice could not hear anything different, "how do you want to change it?"

Looking at the bright sunshine outside the window, Lu Shiyan said, "please bring the contract with you tomorrow. We'll talk in detail when we meet."

Rao is mu wanci's heart no longer willing, there is no way to refuse his request.

After all, her son is still in his hands, and now he has the chips to threaten her.

And she is in a passive position, like fish on the chopping board, can only be slaughtered by him!

Mu wanci was silent, and her eyes were filled with cold air.

She endured again and again, and it was not easy to resist the impulse to throw the mobile phone out.

Taking a deep breath, she said in as calm a tone as possible, "OK, it's OK to change the contract, but I have one condition."

Lu shiyanjun's face didn't show too much expression change, but he asked, "what's the condition?"

"Before changing the contract, I want to see my son to make sure he is safe."

"No way." Lu Shiyan refused her offer on the spot. Without hesitating for half a second, Lu Shiyan said again, "but he is safe now. I can guarantee that."

Mu wanci snorted coldly and said coldly, "how can I be convinced by your guarantee?"

Who knows if he will deliberately detain her son and torture him with a superficial and a back one?

Anyway, she must find a way to find out where her son is.

Then we can start to arrange how to save our son from him.

Lu Shiyan droops his eyes and stares at his palm. What emotion is surging in his deep eyes.

After a brief silence, he hooked his lips, and in his deep voice, he said, "Mrs. Lu has no choice, does she?"

Not only that, but as long as she wanted to see her son, she had to do as he said.

The more mu wanci thought about it, the more she felt in her heart. However, she had nothing to do with him.

Hatred and anger are intertwined. Mu wanci's face is almost distorted, but there is no place to vent.

After biting her lips, she tried her best to control her emotions and replied, "OK, I'll trust you this time. I will go to the hospital with my contract tomorrow morning. I hope you can keep your word! "

Lu Shiyan pulled the corners of his lips, and a cold sneer swept over his dark eyes. "It depends on Mrs. Lu's attitude. Your performance determines the fate of your son."

Every word he threatened her with his son's life. Mu wanci gritted her teeth and said, "don't worry. Since I have promised you, I will not regret."

Lu Shiyan squinted his eyes as if he were careless. He was lazy and said, "so, very good."

"Remember, if you dare to hurt a hair of my son, I will not let you go!" Mu wanci was afraid that he would do harm to his son, so he simply ignored him and said, "even if you fight a dead net, I will ask you to pay for your life!"


What a wonderful mother!

I can do anything for my son!

Lu Shiyan sneered. His beautiful face was cold and frightful. "Mrs. Lu, as long as you don't play a trick, I don't care about a vegetable who can't move in bed."

"You Mu wanci heard the insult to his son in his words, so angry that she was about to attack on the spot. However, she forced her anger back, "you'd better do what you say!"

Lu Shiyan sneered coldly and cut off the phone.

He wanted to drop his mobile phone to vent his anger. However, the rest of his eyes glanced at the man who was sleeping soundly on the bed, and finally took back his raised hand. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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