Jiang Lai is stunned, looking at his stinky face, completely can't think which brain nerve he is short circuited.

"Do I still have a tape measure in my bag when I go out?"

The man seemed to think seriously about the feasibility of her words, and then nodded, "OK."

Jiang Lai

He's going to be pissed off!

"Mr. Lu, I'm your bodyguard, and I'm just your bodyguard. Don't I even have the right to chat and eat with others?"

"I only let you keep a distance. When did I limit your freedom?"

Is he reasonable?

The tables on the barbecue stand are not two meters long. Would she have to move a small bench to sit next to her classmates?

However, she did not continue to argue with him.

Anyway, he is the boss, what he says is what!

Anyway, endure until he helps to rescue brother and father!

She turned her head, stepped heavily to vent her dissatisfaction, and expressed her weak protest.

Just stopped at the table in front of the barbecue stand, Dai Mengjie, they all have a face of curiosity and gossip, "Xiaolai, who is that handsome guy? Looks like super rich! How do you know each other

Jiang Lai is very low-key in school these years. In addition, Jiang Jiasu is mysterious. All the students think she is from an ordinary family.

"I told you before that I was an intern, and he was my boss."

"Boss?" Dai Mengjie opened her eyes, stopped, and continued to ask, "but why did he come to you so late?"

Jiang laizheng was about to make a reason, when he heard a very magnetic voice from the top of his head.

"She's on the night shift tonight."

Lu Shiyan unexpectedly followed her and stopped behind her. Her thin lips rose and her eyes swept over the students present.

It's just that on Li Zeyi, he stayed for half a second.

Rao is so half a second, Li Zeyi also felt a sense of oppression with hostility and warning.

It's just that when he looks at the man along that line of sight, his eyes have moved away.

On the young and handsome side face, the expression is warm and light, as if all he felt just now was his illusion.

Dai Mengjie has a lively personality, and in the face of such a handsome man, she also has a little care for attention.

She stared at Lu Shiyan without blinking her eyes, and her eyes were filled with heart. "The boss actually came to pick up the employees in person. Which company is so considerate and humanized? Please introduce

The man one hand copies in the trousers pocket, the light voice listens to in the ear tranquil dull, "is only along the way."

Lujiazhuangyuan and Huada are in two different directions in the city. It's early morning again. He has a long way to go!

Jiang Lai looked at a table of students with different expressions, sorry for them, smile, "sorry, temporary work, I withdraw first! We'll get together next time we have time

Then she turned to go.

"Mr. Jiang, wait a minute."

Li Ze suddenly made a voice, picked up the pile of books borrowed from her library and went to her.

The blush on his handsome face had not completely faded away. He handed the book to her. "These are the documents needed for graduation thesis. You can take them back and have a look."

Jiang laileng half a second, took the book over, "thank you."

"Don't be polite to me. Just borrow it by the way."

How can there be so much by the way?

Lu Shiyan pulled up a slight arc on his lips. Without looking at the two people on his side, he turned and left.

"Goodbye, monitor!" Jiang Lai was holding the book in his arms and trotted to catch up.

Li Zeyi frowned slowly as he followed the two figures of his back, one in front of the other.

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