"Lu Si Yi, you are enough!" Lin Shiyan couldn't listen any more. Seeing Zhao ziyao's suspicious disappointment flashed over her eyes, her heart was even tighter. "We don't have any relationship anymore. If it's a man, let go!"

She finally got some clues from Zhao ziyao. She can't be destroyed because of him!

The thick eyebrow slightly gathers, Lu Shiyan thin lips light pick, is a smile again, "if I don't let go?"

"Then I'll call the police!" Lin Shiyan's tone was very tough, and her eyes were unyielding. "Lu sixu, I don't want to break my face with you. Let's get together and get together. Don't make it so ugly, OK?"

"Please! Maybe I'll see that you've served me so comfortably that I'll let you go to the hotel tonight with your new love. " Speaking of this, Lu Sixiu looked at the silent Zhao ziyao again, "but, your new love doesn't look very good. Shrink your head and tail and hide there like a girl. "

"If you are not happy, you can come to me with any resentment, but please don't insult my friend!" Lin Shiyan's beautiful eyes have turned red. There is a thin light in her eyes. It seems that she may cry at any time. "Lu Siyi, it doesn't matter how you slander me. I don't care! But please keep your mouth shut and don't hurt my friend again! Believe it or not, he and I are just friends, not as dirty as you think

Her face looked aggrieved and stubborn, and Zhao ziyao felt a pain in his heart.

Yeah, how could he believe this man's one-sided words?

What's more, Lin Shiyan is so ambitious and thoughtful that she can't be a shallow and self loving girl!

He wants to believe her! More like a man to protect her!

Otherwise, why does he like her? What confidence do you want to like her?

Thinking of this, Zhao ziyao rushed up, without saying a word, swung his fist and hit the man's side face.

Lu Siyi is unprepared. He hits him and staggers back a few steps. He grabs Lin Shiyan's hand and can't help letting go.

This scene happened so quickly that Lin Shiyan didn't even have time to stop it.

With her beautiful eyes wide open, she stares at the bloodstain on the corner of Lu's mouth. She moves her lips, but says nothing.

And Zhao ziyao took the opportunity to pull Lin Shiyan and protect her firmly behind him. "I don't care what kind of relationship you had with Miss Lin before, in front of me, I don't want to hear any voice that slanders her!"

Lu Siyi raised his arm and wiped the blood foam from the corners of his lips with his fingers. A touch of sinister cold light flashed through his eyes.

However, he did not fight back, just slowly stood up straight body, thin lips hook up a evil four smile, "this can't listen to? When she climbed into my bed, I think of her as poor as I can remember! "

"Today I'm going to teach you a scum for Miss Lin!" Zhao ziyao untied the Cufflinks of his shirt and swung his fist again.

At this time, Lin Shiyan will live with him. At the same time, she looks coldly at Lu Siyi and says, "Mr. Zhao, forget it."

Zhao ziyao, of course, didn't want to just let it go. He glared at the man on the opposite side, gritted his teeth and said angrily, "how can I do this? He insulted you so much just now, and I must take it out for you

Lin Shiyan slightly lowered her face, showing her hurt and sad expression, "I don't want to see him again. Can you send me home?"

Zhao ziyao looked at her fragile appearance and really wanted to give her a hug.

But he held back, took a long breath, and took his fist back. "OK, let's go."

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