"It is, it is..." Gu zhiting didn't know how to describe his relationship with the man in the hospital bed. His eyes fell on the face behind the oxygen mask. Suddenly, he had an idea, "the guy who looks like you, he wakes up!"

With a severe chest shock, Lu Shiyan suddenly stood up from the wheelchair.

The hand holding the mobile phone is tight and tight, and the blue veins on the back of the hand are beating constantly.

His thin lip moved a few times, and it took a long time to find his voice, "what are you talking about?"

Gu zhiting coughed softly and raised his voice, "I said, the guy who came back from the haunted house is awake! He is awake

Before that villa is dead and dreary, in his eyes and ghost house is no different.

With a bang, Lu Shiyan's head seemed to have been dropped a heavy bomb.

The sense of blank, which blasted all the brain cells into powder, came and wrapped him airtight.

The temples of his forehead were throbbing, his thin lips clenched, and his jaw almost stretched in a straight line.

"Hello? Hello! Did you hear me? " After waiting for a long time without waiting for a reply, Gu zhiting shook his mobile phone a few times and said to himself at the other end, "strange, isn't the signal bad? Why is it suddenly silent? "

What is in the dark pupil is tossing, a few seconds later, Lu Shiyan gently lifted his lips, "I know."

"When will you come?" Gu zhiting turned to look at the man in the ward again, and he was staring at himself. "I think his consciousness is still clear. He should be able to communicate with others."

His bony face was so depressed by his illness that he looked at people with horror through the oxygen mask.

At the moment, after hearing the news, Lu Shiyan's heart has set off a turbulent wave, but Jun's face is still calm, "I'll be right there."

"Hurry up, I'll wait for you in his ward."

Hang up the phone, Lu Shiyan strides towards the elevator with long legs.

Behind him, Jiang Lai was stunned.

What's the situation?

After the boss answered the phone, the injured leg miraculously recovered?!

She watched the man go further and further, until he got into the elevator, she suddenly came back.

"Boss! Wait for me! You haven't bought your shirt yet. Where are you going

However, the man standing in the elevator looked cold, as if he had not heard her question and pressed the close button.

Jiang Lai watched the elevator door close in front of his eyes and waved to the man inside, "boss, don't! I haven't been up yet

However, Lu Shiyan turned a deaf ear, and the elevator was so tightly closed.

Jiang laichong past, the elevator has been down to the first floor, she reached out and slapped the metal door, "boss, you can't just leave me! I'm wrong. I promise to buy you a shirt at the right price. Don't go

When she was shouting upstairs, the elevator had stopped in the underground parking lot.

Lu Shiyan strode out. When he saw the bodyguard in front of the Mercedes Benz, he held out his hand and said, "car key."

The bodyguard was used to seeing him in a wheelchair. When he suddenly walked upright, he was stunned for two or three seconds.

After handing out the car key, the man opened the door and sat in the cab.

Before the bodyguard even had time to say a word, the Mercedes Benz drove out of the parking space and rushed to the exit at a very fast speed.

After leaving the underground parking lot, the black Mercedes Benz leaped and sped to Gu zhiting's private hospital!

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