Jiang Lai didn't even have the strength to answer, but he murmured softly, even if he agreed.

After getting out of bed, Lu Shiyan picked her up and strode into the bathroom.

Until the warm water rushed to the body, Jiang Lai eyes moved, confused into a paste of the head, only to resume operation.

The water temperature is neither cold nor hot, just right.

Jiang Lai narrowed his eyes and enjoyed it.

But a few seconds later, she suddenly realized what, a thrill, suddenly put one eye to the biggest!

She suddenly realized that the hand that washes her body is not her own!

Is there anything more frightening than this?

Jiang Lai turned his neck and turned his head rigidly to look at the man holding her. At the same time, he quietly raised his arm and blocked him in front of him.

"Boss, I can take a bath myself, so I won't bother you."

As she spoke, she was busy trying to jump off the man.

But Lu Shiyan held her hand and did not let go. He even leaned over a little and leaned toward her face. "It doesn't matter. I'm happy to help you."

Jiang Lai eyebrow heart mercilessly a jump, pulled to pull the corner of the mouth, "no, need not, own thing should do oneself."

Lu Shiyan glared at her. She seemed to be in a good mood. She cocked up her lips slightly. "Falling in love is what you can do. If you have another person to do it for you, why do girls have to find a boyfriend?"

Well, although he always said it was wrong, but it was really impossible to refute.

However, with his four eyes opposite, where does Jiang Lai still have the mind to take a bath?

Her hands were still in front of her body and insisted, "well, boss, don't you think it's a very painful thing to be looked at in the bath?"

"Didn't I see you last night?" Lu Shiyan raised her lips to remind her of a fact. He pursed his lips. After half a second of silence, he raised his eyes and asked with a smile, "besides, do you have any eggs?"

Jiang Lai immediately stopped his words, Leng for a good moment, then depressed ground ground grinds a way, "I do not have the egg, but the person who does not have the egg ache right?"

"Well, No

The man's understatement of the three words is like a bucket of ice water pouring down her head, all of a sudden, she put out a belly fire.

"Boss, let me down quickly!" Seeing that he didn't let go, she bit her teeth and said, "otherwise, otherwise, I will, I will..."

She didn't want to threaten, and the man had put her on the floor of the bathroom.

However, at the moment when his feet touched the ground, Jiang Lai's two legs suddenly became soft and almost fell to the ground.

Thanks to the man's quick eye and quick hand, she was caught.

Jiang Lai is scared not light, two hands tightly embrace man's waist, palpitation ground gasps for breath.

Fortunately, I didn't fall down. Otherwise, I would knock off several front teeth on my face!

Lu Shiyan put one hand around her waist and picked up the corners of his lips badly. "It's not that I don't let you go to the ground. It's your current physical condition that doesn't allow you."

Jiang Lai was speechless and choked

Think about yesterday, he was still a wheelchair goer.

However, in less than 24 hours, his legs could not only walk upright, but also hold her for such a long time without blushing and panting.

She bit her lips in defiance and replied stiffly, "I can't stand still. It's not all you've done to me!"

Listening to her complaining tone, Lu Shiyan laughed and nodded, "well, it's all my fault. I'll pay attention to it next time."

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