Eight black Mercedes Benz parked smoothly in front of the Royal Club.

When the door opened, eighteen men in black clothes and black trousers stepped out of the car in uniform movements.

Li ente Tai went to a car in the middle, opened the back door of the car, bowed his head respectfully, "little Lord."

A pair of shiny black shoes first fell into everyone's eyes, followed by a tall and straight figure slowly walked out of the car.

With thick eyebrows and black pupils, he has beautiful features. His pure black shirt and a pair of dark trousers outline his slender figure.

Seeing the man get off the bus, the bodyguards standing next to him bent down 90 degrees, "little Lord!"

In the last car, Lu Siyi looks at his swagger and hiss coldly. He pushes the door and gets out of the car.

Let him be happy for a few more days, and soon these will no longer belong to him!

At this time, the two welcome guests at the door saw such a big formation, and then looked at the man who was coming towards them. They were busy trotting to meet them.

"A few, please come in."

Lu Shiyan glanced slightly and swept through the 18 tall bodyguards standing in a row. He said faintly, "you stay here. Li Entai and Jiang Lai follow me in."

"Yes, little Lord!"

"Wow, this place is so bright!" As soon as he entered the door, Jiang Lai looked at the spacious lobby and couldn't help sighing, "the decoration is also good gas school!"

Lu Siyi looked at her face, and said coldly, "all the people who can get in and out of here are the upper class people who are either rich or expensive. Who would like to come if they are not dignified?"

Jiang Lai heard the irony in his words, lost a white eye in the past, whispered, "I did not ask you a question, who wants you to answer?"

After the four entered, someone immediately welcomed them, "do you have an appointment?"

Lu sixu stepped forward two steps and took out a supreme membership card. "Yes, we have an appointment with No. 4 fencing field."

"Yes, please follow me." The man led them to the dressing room.

"Boss, do you want to play fencing?" Jiang Lai looked at the fencing suit hanging over there, and his dark eyes wandered around, "what about Li Entai and I? What are we doing? "

Lu Shiyan glanced at the small expression on her face. If it didn't seem to have a chance to hook his lips, "why don't you play two games with Li Entai?"

"Really?" This word is in the middle of his heart, and Jiang Lai's eyes suddenly brighten.

She still likes fencing, but she hasn't had a chance to play.

Today I come here, I can change into fencing clothes and play two. I think it's great!

When Li Entai heard the man call his name, he hesitated for a moment and said, "little Lord, it's better for his subordinates to stay here."

"Ah? Don't you want to play? " Jiang Laiwen speech, the original cheerful expression suddenly collapsed, a bit disappointed, thought about it, but did not give up to persuade, "Li Entai, I heard fencing is very fun, you don't want to have a try?"

Li Enlai straightened his back and said without expression, "my duty is to protect the little Lord!"

Jiang Lai's eyelids do not droop down, "OK, you don't want to play even if."

However, before her voice fell, Lu Shiyan's voice rang out again, "Li Entai, it's necessary to be my bodyguard and do my best, but it's no fault to give up occasionally. If you play fencing with Jiang Lai on the side of the court, you can also leave more lines for us

After listening to the orders of his own little master, Li Entai immediately bowed his head and took orders and said, "yes, little Lord!"

"Then change your clothes." Lu Shiyan glanced at Jiang Lai who was standing at the door of the dressing room. He pushed his chin in the direction behind her, "the female dressing room is opposite."

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