This is the root of human nature!

However, even if many people understand this truth, they are still unrepentant.

Lu Shiyan looked at his face behind the oxygen mask. He was thin enough to lose shape.

His eyes were deeply sunken, his cheekbones were high and protruding, and his face was pale and pale without any blood color.

For no reason, his mouth gradually more bitter meaning.

Thin lips pursed, he murmured, "before long, you can be as healthy as I am."

After listening to his words, the person on the hospital bed gently shook his head, "my body, I know myself, can't recover. I have no regrets to see you. "

"Don't you say that!" Lu Shiyan listened to what he said and looked at every word he said and the expression on his face became more and more uncomfortable. "Dr. Gu will cure you. After you recover, I will leave Huacheng."

The man on the bed shook his head again, "no, you don't have to leave. Identity can be your name or your name. As long as you like. "

Every word he said was very difficult, but his eyes were full of sincerity.

Lu Shiyan couldn't help being stunned, and his face changed slightly, "what do you mean?"

The man on the hospital bed looked at him with a gentle look in his eyes. "Before, I had always imagined that there would be a healthy me in the world, who would replace me to be the young master of the Lu family and share the burden for my grandfather and mother. Until the moment I saw you, I finally knew that God had heard my prayer every night and made my dream come true... "

Maybe he said too much in one breath, and his breath suddenly became short.

Seeing this, Lu Shiyan pressed his eyes and strode forward, "what's the matter with you? What's the trouble? "

The people on the hospital bed seem to have not listened to his words, just take a big breath of oxygen.

However, his face became more and more pale, and his dry hands clung to the pure white sheets with a look of pain.

Lu Shiyan wants to help him, but he doesn't know how to help.

Looking at the blue veins on the back of his hand, Lu Shiyan's eyelids jumped fiercely. At the next moment, he suddenly turned his face to the door and called out, "Gu zhiting! Gu zhiting

After Gu zhiting went out, he saw Jiang Lai standing on the corridor. Thinking that Lu Shiyan had mentioned that she had mental disorder, he went over to chat with her.

However, before we got to the point, we heard the voice of the patient's voice.

He looked awe inspiring, as if aware of what, also do not care to explain the situation with Jiang Lai, turned his head and walked quickly toward the ward.

Jiang Lai also heard Lu Shiyan's voice, and she was worried about why he suddenly lost his temper.

So, without hesitation, he followed Gu zhiting, "I'll go and have a look too!"

After Gu zhiting rushed into the ward, Lu Shiyan immediately stepped back two steps, gave him the position, and told him the situation in the most concise words, "I just talked to him for a few words, and he became like this. If there is something wrong with his body, please give him a quick examination!"

Looking at the worried look on his handsome face, Gu zhiting raises his hand and grasps the wrist of the man on the hospital bed and carefully signals the pulse for him.

Looking at his dignified expression, Lu Shiyan frowned and frowned, "how is he?"

After a few seconds of silence, Gu zhiting released his hand and said slowly, "he is too excited. I have to give him a tranquilizer to rest."

With that, he took out the syringe from the medicine box beside him and went back to the hospital bed.

After giving the patient a sedative, he soon calmed down, his eyes closed and he fell asleep again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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