Jiang Lai bowed her head and carefully read the words she pointed to, "I think they are all good, but the font and pen peak are somewhat different. However, I personally think this one may be a little more grand. "

With that, she pointed to the top of the tea table.

Mu wanci listened to her tone of pretending to be an expert, and pulled a sarcastic arc at the edge of her red lips.

The next moment, she put down the sample paper in her hand, "it's getting late. Go to rest. If you don't come out today, you can choose tomorrow."

Lu Xiyu saw her get up to go to the stairway, very polite to her, "Auntie, good night."

"Well, don't be too late." When mu wanci passed by Lu Shiyan, she took a deep look at him and said, "Xiaoyan, you too. Just leave the hospital, to protect your body. "

Lu Shiyan's lips a pull, hook a faint smile arc, "thank you for your mother's concern, I will."

After mu wanci's figure disappeared at the corner of the second floor, Lu Xiyu couldn't help but spit out his tongue and took a long breath. "Fortunately, you come back in time. I'm not used to staying alone with my aunt."

Mu wanci is a well-known strong woman. She is especially strong in her work and other aspects.

After she saw one of the words, she wanted to make it on the spot.

Lu Siyi doesn't pay any attention to them. He just points to two sample papers and goes back to his room.

Leaving Lu Xiyu alone to face her is simply a head two big.

Jiang Lai looked at the exaggerated expression on her face and couldn't help but laugh at her and said, "Mrs. Lu is not a monster, look at you to be scared."

"You don't know, my aunt's way of teaching people is cruel! I'm not afraid of anyone at home. I'm afraid of her. " Lu Xiyu said as if he thought of something. He looked up at Lu Shiyan who was not far away and said to him, "brother, you must remember that when you were seven years old, once you cooked crabs at home, you had to take two by yourself. My aunt won't allow it. I'll punish you to stay in the rain for about twenty minutes. "

"At that time, I was only five years old, but I still remember it. It rained heavily that day! You don't say a word in the rain, just don't admit your mistake! Later, when my grandfather came back from the company and heard about it, he criticized my aunt severely! "

Of course, Lu Shiyan will not be impressed by this incident, because he has never experienced it.

However, when listening to Lu Xiyu talking about this matter, his heart beat heavily. It was as if he had been drenched by such a heavy rain.

He closed his eyes, and even could see such a stubborn little boy in the heavy rain.

Was mu wanci so harsh on him from a very young age?

Even if his health is not good, but still let him in the rain for nearly 20 minutes?

Oh! How could there be such a cruel mother in the world?

Education clearly can be done in a simpler and more circuitous way. Why should corporal punishment be used?

Although Jiang Lai didn't know what Lu Shiyan was thinking, he could clearly feel that his aura had changed.

Aware of something wrong with him, she quickly changed the subject and said, "Xiao Xi, tell you a secret."

Seeing her suddenly come to say this mysteriously, Lu Xi Yu immediately approached her curiously, "what's the secret? You say

Everyone has the curiosity of gossip, especially a girl of this age.

Jiang laichong her blink eyes, smile to return a way, "in fact, this kind of big characters I can also write, and write better than them."

"Bang!" Lu Xi language immediately light hiss, "this is what secret, you don't tease me, OK?"

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