His other hand did not stop, and at the same time, he was deceiving himself.

His forehead against her forehead, he coldly lifted his lips and said, "officer Feng, this is too much."

Feng Yu'an was infuriated by his behavior, and his heart heaved violently.

He is not only excessive, but also insulting her!

This asshole!

Thinking, she raised her other hand again.

However, as soon as her hand was raised, she was intercepted by the man again.

The assistant owl clasped both her hands and put her against the post of the street lamp nearby.

Feng Yu'an was really going to be tortured by him. He glared at him and couldn't bite him to death. "Zuo Xiao, you are shameless! Hooligan! Pervert! Let go of me

The expression on Zuo Xiaojun's face is very light, and the dark green eye bottom is also cold and clear.

He put Feng Yu'an's hands back on her head and pressed her body against her, making her unable to move.

His lips were close to her ear bone, and his voice was low and dumb, "officer Feng, you didn't know me for the first time. How shameless and rogue I used to be, how abnormal you should be. "

He deliberately accentuated the word "body". When he said this, he should be more explicit!

Feng Yu'an can't help but think of the things they had experienced when they were together, and his ears immediately became hot.

Yes, the former assistant owl had done more to her than that.

Implicitly, they have experienced it at different times and places.

Zuo Xiao looked at the wonderful expression changes in her eyes, and immediately guessed what she was thinking.

He opened his mouth and bit her in the ear. "Officer Feng, you don't have to remember. As long as you like, we can go back to it countless times. "

After that, he licked it on purpose.

When Feng Yu settled down, his back became stiff and his goose bumps all over his body stood up.

However, her hands were held by his tongs, and even her legs were pressed by him, which was no different from the fish on the chopping board.

And someone clearly is not going to let her go, along her ear all the way blowing, deliberately make her uncomfortable.

The assistant owl tormented her so easily.

He knew all her weaknesses, anyway.

After he made such a move, Feng Yu'an's breath suddenly became unstable, "Zuo, Zuo Xiao!"

"Do you like it, officer Feng?" His dark green eyes were tinged with strong anger. At such a close distance, he could see clearly.

Feng Yu felt at ease, and knew that it was not good to be tough with him.

Afraid that he would come, really, she bit her lip and lowered her posture, "Zuo Xiao, don't do this. We can talk about what we have to say! At least, you should be reasonable! I've got a job to do now. Can you keep quiet? "

"Please don't reason with a gangster who has been in prison." The assistant owl did not eat this set, and leaned toward her. As close as he spoke, his warm lips would brush her nose. "Officer Feng wants me to speak well, so first show sincerity."

"Sincerity?" Feng Yu'an looked at his appearance. His legs felt a little soft. Fortunately, there was a pillar behind her. Otherwise, she was not sure she could stand so straight. She unconsciously made a swallowing gesture, looked into his eyes and asked, "what kind of sincerity do you want?"

Zuo Xiao immediately laughed and deliberately blew a breath on her cheek. His tone was so low that he said, "do you give me all the sincerity I want?"

He wants it!

How could it be?

If he really wants to mess around, does she have to nod?

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