Lin Shiyan moved her lips and finally found her voice, "Shiyan..."

Lu Shiyan frowned, and his voice was so indifferent that he could not hear any emotion. "Miss Lin, we are not familiar with each other. We only call names instead of surnames."

Lin Shiyan's expression was stiff, and she stepped back two steps in disbelief. The injury to her eyes was not covered up at all.

And Lu Shiyan just raised his wrist and looked at the time, and walked towards the direction of Jiang Lai's box.

When they were chatting, Jiang Lai returned to the box.

She glanced over the 13 bottles of beer on the table and said to the girl who let her take a big risk, "Song Yiyi, drink it!"

Song Yiyi originally wanted to see her make a joke, but she didn't expect that she could complete this adventure!

In fact, her drinking capacity is not very good, just said to drink all the wine on the table, but to stimulate Jiang Lai.

Now looking at the wine bottle on the table, she can't get rid of the tiger, so she can only have a hard head to drink.

One bottle!

Two bottles!

When she got to the third bottle, her stomach began to churn and she felt terrible.

Li Zeyi seemed to see her embarrassment and embarrassment. He moved his lips and said, "after all, classmate song is a girl. Otherwise, he will drink three bottles."

"Monitor, if you kiss song's classmate, you don't need to drink the rest of the wine. How about that?"

I don't know who took the lead to coax, and other people followed Yinghe and said, "yes, yes! Heroes save the United States also need to pay a price! Monitor, you can't refuse? "

Li Ze Yi Jun's expression on his face was a little embarrassed. He looked at Jiang Lai and said slowly, "Song classmate is a girl. I can't take advantage of others. In addition to sacrificing hue, you change your requirements. "

Song Yiyi felt that this was more embarrassing than refusing. She held the bottle tightly and said in a loud voice, "no, monitor. I'll take the gamble!"

However, she took a sip of the fourth bottle, and suddenly she vomited with a crooked head.

Seeing that she vomited so hard, a classmate couldn't help speaking for her, "Jiang Lai, otherwise even if it is!"

"Yes! Yiyi has a small amount of alcohol. She can't drink so much. "

Song Yiyi finally stopped vomiting, looked up at Jiang Lai, bit his lip, insisted, "I'm ok, you can continue to drink!"

Being watched by her so delicate and pitiful eyes, Jiang Lai should doubt whether he is doing something big and evil.

No girls.

"Jiang Lai! Yiyi is like this. Why are you so aggressive? "

“……” Jiang Lai only think funny, she seems to be just a spectator, from Song Yiyi drink to now did not say anything?

"Yes! I also heard that Jiang Lai was taken care of The girl straightened her neck, and the more she said, the worse she said, "in that case, why bother the monitor? Is it because his family has money, so he wants to be on both sides? "

Jiang Lai listened to the girl's eloquent accusation, immediately pulled his lips and laughed, but the tone of his voice was cold, "you said I was taken care of, I would like to ask, who am I taken care of?"

"I..." The girl who defended song Yiyi was subconsciously backward by her eyes, but she refused to forgive. "I'm not the one to say that. As we all know, there was a rich man who came to meet you at the school gate in the middle of the night. Dare you say not?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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