Listening to his sermon, Lu Siyi nodded slightly, "grandfather, don't worry, we will."

"That's good. You can go and see him, and don't stay in the ward too long."

"Good, Grandpa and auntie, take your time." Lu Siyi stood there and watched them go away step by step. Until they disappeared at the elevator entrance, he turned around and went on.

However, when passing by the door of Lu Shiyan's ward, his steps just stopped for a moment, but he didn't go in.

When he saw the figure sitting on the hospital bed, he pulled the corner of his lip softly. "It's a pity that I only had a slight concussion. It would have saved me a lot of trouble if I was killed all at once."

After only a few seconds, he stepped out of his long legs and headed for the ward at the end of the corridor.

He came here to see Lin Shiyan. After her miscarriage operation, he transferred her to another hospital directly.

It's just that I didn't expect that Lu Shiyan would come to this hospital. What a bad luck!

Half a minute ago, Lu Shiyan was in the ward.

Jiang Lai took out the mobile phone in his pocket and took a look at it game.over The game interface, suddenly depressed wrinkled a small face, "die again, I again pit teammates, will be ridiculed is a professional send head!"

Before Lu Dingchuan came, she had been playing games, and only a moment before they entered the door did she put her mobile phone in her pocket.

Lu Shiyan moved his lips and was about to speak. Suddenly his eyes were cold and he looked at the door of the ward.

However, he only had time to see a flash of dark shadow outside the glass window, and did not see his face clearly.

Jiang lai see him so expression, can't help but also turn to look at the door, but nothing to see.

"What's the matter, boss?"

Lu Shiyan frown fold, Jun face expression does not have the slightest fluctuation, only light return way, "nothing, see a fly fly fly."

Jiang Lai also did not put his words in his heart, stretched a stretch, "last night did not sleep full, I went to the sofa to squint for a while, when eating lunch remember to call me."

Lu Shiyan glanced at her and raised her lips slightly, "go."

They moved all night last night. They were dragged up to accompany him by his bed early this morning. They did not sleep for hours.

Jiang Lai throws the mobile phone away, raises the leg which is slightly injured and jumps to the sofa with one foot.

Lu Shiyan looked at her back, with a helpless smile on her lips.

Bowing his head, he continued to process the documents.

At the end of the corridor, the same advanced ward.

Lu Siyi pushes open the door of the ward and sees a woman lying on the bed.

Although she had been recuperating for several days, her face still looked very bad, haggard and pale.

Lu Siyi stops in front of the bed and gently puts down the thermos bottle.

His movement is very light, but the people in the hospital bed seem to have a sense, the originally closed eyes suddenly open.

Lu Si Yi looked down at her and gently hooked the corner of her lip, "did I wake you up?"

Lin Shiyan's eyes turned and glanced at him. Her voice was a bit hoarse, "what are you doing here?"

Lu Siyi looks at her red and swollen eyes and feels a slight pain in her heart.

He reached over and tried to touch her face. "What's the matter, cry again?"

Lin Shiyan slightly side face, avoid his hand, "No."

These days, she can not eat well, also can not sleep well, whenever the dead of night, will quietly hide in the quilt crying.

Dai rubing thinks that she is reluctant to part with the exiled child, and Lu Siyi feels the same way.

Only she knows, she's not. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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