Within a few days, Lu Shiyan's bruise on his forehead was basically healed.

After he was discharged from hospital, he devoted himself to his busy work.

Lu Siyi seems to be ready to move. He not only starts to make small moves to destroy the projects he is negotiating with, but also stealthily purchases some of Lu's individual shares.

Mu wanci felt the hidden crisis and finally could not sit still. She rushed into Lu Shiyan's office early in the morning.

"Xiaoyan, your uncle, father and son have secretly purchased several individual shares. We can't wait to die any more!"

Lu Shiyan's hand movements, raised his eyes to see her, pretty face expression is very light, "is it?"

"I have sent people to watch them for a long time. They clearly want to put all the loose shares in the bag before the old man shares the shares." Mu wanci squinted and sneered, "the father and son are more ambitious than their appetites. You should try to stop them!"

Lu Shiyan's eyes narrowed, and the lines on his side were cold and thin. "Since they want to collect them, let them do it. That point of loose stock can't be any climate at all."

Listening to his understatement, mu wanci was more anxious, "what are you saying? No matter how small the individual shares are, they can add up to more! "

Lu Shiyan looked at the discontented look on her face, and raised a faint arc on her lips. "Manager Lu, now that Lu's share price is in a stable rising period, even if he collects the shares, no one is willing to sell them."

In addition, he had already heard the news from Li Enlai as early as he was in hospital.

Therefore, I specially found several people to bid up Lu's share price.

Even if Lu Siyi wants to sell shares, it depends on whether he can afford the price!

However, mu wanci didn't know that he had sent someone to do the trick. Seeing his indifferent attitude, mu wanci could not help cooling down. "Lu Shiyan, don't forget what you promised me when you signed the contract? What do you mean by being so negative now? "

When he signed the contract, Lu Shiyan promised that he would never let his shares fall into the hands of others.

But now, he is completely indifferent to Lu's purchase of shares.

"Manager Lu," her deep eyes stare at her. Lu Shiyan pauses for a moment. There are colors in her eyes that she can't understand. "I always do what I say. As long as I am in the Lu family, the position of the little master of the Lu family is still Lu Shiyan. "

When it comes to the last few words, his tone is a little bit heavier.

Mu wanci recognized the deep meaning of his words, slightly relieved, and his tone softened a little bit, "Xiaoyan, it's the best that you can think so. When I saw them do these little moves, I felt a little flustered. Recently, there are too many things in the company. You see, I'm so busy that I'm confused and anxious! "

Lu Shiyan's eyes were dark, and his lips were tinged with a faint smile. "If manager Lu feels too busy, he can transfer the project to the people below. Why should he hold so many big faces in his hand. You are not tired. I feel tired for you

She is suspicious by nature and can't believe others easily. She has to do everything by herself. How can she not be tired?

Mu wanci's delicate face was stagnant, and then she said with a smile, "Xiaoyan, you're not in good health. It's reasonable for me to work hard as a mother. In addition, these projects are very important. They are handed over to the servants. Other investors will think that we do not pay enough attention to them. "

Open mouth and shut up to talk about investors, make themselves as if they really pay more attention to Lu's reputation.

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