"Brother, you didn't kill! I will not see you wronged by the third uncle! Believe me, I will find evidence to prove your innocence

"Xiao Lai, listen to me! You must keep the inheritance well, and don't let it fall into the hands of the third uncle, or the whole Jiang family will be ruined! "

"But elder brother, the key to inheritance is not in my hand. Even if I give the inheritance to the third uncle, he can only look at it."

"Xiaolai," said Jiang Yihang, tightening his eyebrows and solemnly saying, "the key to inheritance is actually..."

Just then, the C.O. suddenly knocked on the door of the visiting room.

"Time is up, prisoners' families please leave!"

Jiang Lai watched the prison guard take Jiang Yihang away, shouting at his back, "brother! You have to take care of yourself. I'll get you out of here! Certainly

Jiang Lai walked out of the prison in a heavy mood.

Inadvertently looking up, she saw a man standing in front of the black sports car.

Custom black shirt with slim lines.

The afternoon sun slanted down, cutting out his angular outline.

The lacrimal nevus in the corner of the eye is stained with hazy light, which has a kind of unrealistic aesthetic feeling.

He habitually one hand in the trousers pocket, with a tall and straight body, seems to be a pair of inversion of the noble attitude of all living beings.

Facial features did not change, or in memory of the appearance.

But temperament is completely different, he is no longer her treasure.

Jiang Lai pretended not to see him, ready to take a detour to leave.

Before walking a few steps away, the arm was grabbed.


Without waiting for her to resist, Lu Shiyan's arms closed, and she fell directly into his arms.

Familiar chest, familiar embrace, as warm and reliable as before.

When the wrist was caught, Jiang Lai was surprised and returned to God.

She frowned and raised her hand to push him away. "Lu Shiyan, let me go!"

The man ignored her struggle, the empty hand pulled the door open, "get in."

It's an imperative tone that can't be refused.

She stood still and asked in a stuffy voice, "why?"

"By the way, see you off." He replied in four words.

He knew that he couldn't get a taxi here, so he asked the bodyguard to leave first and stayed for her.

She was surprised, but she refused him without hesitation and said, "I will go back myself."

He didn't give her an answer in the morning.

She must be uncomfortable in a car with him.

Lu Shiyan grabs her hand and does not relax. His frown shows his impatience at this time.

The light glares at her, he with very casual language way way, "don't you think, perhaps I can save your brother to come out?"

His identity is not what he used to be, and it is not too difficult to get one or two people out of the death prison.

Hearing this, she suddenly turned her head and looked at him, pressing, "Mr. Yuan, Mr. Lu, can you really save my brother?"

Lu Shiyan didn't answer her question directly. He glanced at the open door and said, "get in."

Jiang Lai looked at him, hesitated for a moment, and lowered his head into the car.

The door closed and the black sports car slid out like water.

In the narrow space, no one spoke, the atmosphere was quiet and depressing.

Jiang Lai sat in the co driver's seat and felt that every time he breathed, his breath came from all directions.

She didn't dare to look at him openly. She could only peek at him from the corner of her eye.

The man's knuckled hands hold the steering wheel and stare straight ahead.

Eyebrows frowned, pale lips pursed very tightly.

Dark as night eyes hidden under the eyelashes, look can not see clearly.

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