He confessed Lu Shiyan and told him what he had done with him.

I believe that Mr. Lu will also understand her mother's good intentions.

Moreover, if we let the outside media know the real illness of Lu Shiyan, I'm afraid that Lu's stock will also be affected.

Everything she does now is for the Lu family, for the Lu family!

In just a few seconds, mu wanci's mind has turned countless ideas.

In order to protect his position in the Lu family from being threatened, Lu Shiyan can only be dragged out of this shield.

She thought it over and over in her heart and finally made up her mind.

She moved her red lips and was about to speak, but Lu Shiyan snatched in front of her to open a mouth. "Grandfather, my cousin is right. The DNA test results of my mother and I are not in line with the parent-child relationship."

As soon as his voice fell, people on the dining table were in a state of uproar.

Lu Xi language is sitting on his left hand side, a pair of beautiful eyes immediately stare big brother, "elder brother, you this, what does this mean?"

Although Lu Yuanzheng didn't know what cards he was holding in his hand, he showed a good posture.

From mu wanci's shocked eyes, we can see that there are many unknown secrets between them!

Lu Siyi is also very surprised. He thought Lu Shiyan would argue sophistication. However, he would have to struggle for a while, but he didn't expect that he would admit it so easily.

Lu Shiyan's response was unexpected.

Lu Dingchuan narrowed his eyes and stared at the grandson without blinking. "Xiao Yan, you go on."

The old man knew that he must have something to say.

In this case, it's better to listen to Sun Tzu first.

"In fact, this Mrs. Lu and I are not related to each other." After saying this, Lu Shiyan pauses for a moment and looks at mu wanci again, "am I right?"

Mu wanci didn't know what he wanted to do, but he could only follow his words.

She tugged at her lips, smiling a little reluctantly, "yes. Dad, actually... "

She turned to explain this to Lu Dingchuan, but Lu Shiyan had already taken back the right to speak and directly interrupted her, "grandfather, I'm sorry to have cheated you for so long. I hope you don't blame me. Tonight, I will make everything clear to all of you. "

Hearing Lu Xi's words in the clouds, the whole person was confused.

She looked at mu wanci and Lu Shiyan. "Second brother, what's the situation? You are not a mother child relationship with your aunt. What do you mean? "

If they are not really mother and son, then there must be a person who is not from the Lu family!

However, she had lived under the same roof with these two people for so many years. She could see clearly what her aunt was like to her second brother. How could she suddenly jump out of such a scene?

"Xiaoxi, don't make any noise. Listen to your good second brother and speak slowly." Lu Siyi thinks that he is giving up the struggle and confessing to leniency. His eyes swept on Lu shiyanjun's face, and then he said, "but your second brother really has a deceptive face! Can deceive the woman, also can deceive the family member, thought all makes the person envy tight

Mu wanci also thought that Lu Shiyan was going to disclose the one million yuan deal between them, so he didn't interrupt him. Like other people, he was waiting for his words.

Anyway, no matter who said it, I'm afraid they can't cover it!

Rather than let her explain in a flustered situation, it's better to listen to him first and watch the change.

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