Hearing this, Lu Siyi immediately burst into a laugh, "Oh! How could such a coincidence happen

"Yes! I think you are trying to cover it up! " Lu Yuanzheng opened his voice again, singing with his son.

Lu Xiyu looked at the man sitting in the wheelchair. He looked at his handsome face, which was too thin to look like. He had sympathy and a little heartache. "Cousin, uncle, don't say that. I think it's possible. After all, he's really inconvenient to move and not in good health. "

She didn't speak in a loud voice, but Jiang Yihan listened to all of them.

The next second, he gave her a gentle and friendly look.

In the moment of his eyes, Lu Xiyu's heart tips for no reason to pull for a while, inexplicably feel a little sour nose.

Suddenly very sad, that kind of mood is as if one's favorite toy has been lost.

Before she could understand why she was so depressed, Lu Siyi made a voice again, completely ignoring her words, "Jiang Yihan, right? Since you keep saying that you are Jiang Yihan, take out the evidence! "

The man in the wheelchair looked up at him, raised his left wrist and pulled down his shirt sleeve.

Suddenly, the scar on his left wrist fell into everyone's eyes.

The scar looks like it's been some years, but it's not big enough. As long as you wear a watch, you can completely cover it up.

"Mr. Lu Siyi, you just said that the real Jiang Yihan had a burn scar on his left wrist, right?" Jiang Yihan raised his arm a little higher and was facing his sight. He said, "now, do you see clearly?"

Lu Siyi looks at the scar on his left wrist, which is almost the size of Lu Shiyan's wrist, and is stunned.

Looks can be fake, but scars can't.

How could he have scars on his wrist?

How could there be such a coincidence in the world?

Lu Siyi secretly clenched his back alveolar and clenched his side hands into fists.

Tonight, he finally found a chance to expose Lu Shiyan's true face. How could he be disturbed by this guy who was killed on the way?

His eyes must fall on the gauze at the corner of Jiang Yihan's right eye. Lu Siyi sneered, "you said that you have a wound in the corner of your right eye. You might as well take off the gauze and show it to us. If there is a wound, I will believe what you say!"

"No way!" Jiang Lai, who had been silent all the time, suddenly made a sound, and his face looked worried and nervous. "His body was very weak, so he took the gauze off. What if the wound was infected? You are in charge

The more she refused to agree, the more Lu Siyi felt there was something in it!

After pondering for two seconds, he nodded slowly and said, "we have a family doctor in the Lu family. If his eye corner is a fall injury, I would like to apologize to him face to face and ask the doctor to bandage him again!"

Jiang Yihan sipped his lips and said slowly, "Mr. Lu Siyi, do you believe what I said if I take off the gauze?"

"No! Never take off the gauze Jiang Lai shook his head and then said, "brother, I worked so hard every day to serve as a bodyguard for the young master of the Lu family. I finally earned enough medical expenses to see you. You can never make fun of your own body! In fact, when I saw him look like you, I was shocked. I even thought that they might be brothers. As long as we recognize each other, maybe his blood can save your life! But I didn't expect the doctor to say that your disease is a stubborn disease, and there is no medicine to cure it! "

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