When the pupil dilates, mu wanci's whole body is shocked and her brain has a brief blank.

Her fingers trembled slightly. She stared at a pair of eyes. She was silent for nearly half a minute before she said again, "what are you talking about? I don't have any sisters at all. My name is mu wanci! No mu Jingrou! There is no mu Jingrou in this world! Just me! Mu wanci! Only mu wanci

Soon, her mood was out of control again, and her voice was sharp, high and harsh.

"Mu Jingrou, you were jealous of your sister's love. You were jealous that a man was so kind to her, so when she was in labor, you attacked her. It's a pity that she misunderstood your trick and dragged the body of the baby just after birth to escape from the hospital.

But she was so weak that she had no choice but to take a child away.

Later, in order to prevent the child from being poisoned, she took the child to the orphanage. However, he sent a letter to Jiang Zongming, imploring Him to go to the orphanage to pick up her son.

Finally, in order to chase down the valley, she lost her bones.

Later, you entered the Lu family as mu wanci. However, her husband, who has been sleeping with her for nearly two years, misunderstood your identity, and you have killed him. He was killed in a car accident because of his actions in his car. I'm right, isn't it

In a declarative tone, Lu Shiyan said the truth one by one, but his voice was very cold with a piercing chill.

Every word he said was like a sharp knife, which pierced into her heart mercilessly.

Mu wanci's nerves seemed to be stung severely. Her hands hanging on her side were clenched a little bit, and her fingernails pierced into her palms.

At the end of his speech, the whole dining room fell into silence, so quiet that the sound of breathing could be heard.

It seems that there are countless ants gnawing at mu wanci's heart, and all kinds of emotions are entangled in her heart, which condenses into inexplicable pain.

No one knows how she has survived these years. Every night, when she closes her eyes, she will see her sister and brother-in-law covered with blood.

They're like shuras from hell, trying to make her pay for her life!

Countless times in the middle of the night, she was awakened by nightmares, tossing and turning her eyes until dawn.

Who can understand the taste?

However, during her years in the Lu family, how many things did she work hard for the Lu family?

If Lu didn't have her, how could she be so brilliant today?

She looked at Lu Shiyan coldly with red eyes, and her expression was like an abominable ghost, "you don't want to be bloody! Let's not make something out of nothing! I am mu wanci! How can I kill my husband? His death was an accident! Even the police are so sure

Lu Shiyan glared at her coldly, and his eyes were dark and deep. "Mu Jingrou, don't struggle with death any more. The paternity test in your cousin's hand is the best proof of your identity! We are not your own. Why do you say you are mu wanci? Do you know that a woman of your heart is not worthy of my mother's name

Looking at the woman in front of him, Jiang Yihan has thousands of tastes in his heart.

In fact, when Gu zhiting told him the truth, he didn't want to believe his ears!

How can he accept that his mother, who has been calling for 23 years, is the murderer of his own parents?

Especially at the moment, looking at the ferocious expression on mu wanci's face, his heart was astringent and painful, almost unable to breathe!

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